четверг, 26 апреля 2018 г.

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La Verdad / La Casa Blanca dijo that no hay pruebas that susten el supuesto fraude eleitoral that denuncia o presidente eleito, Donald Trump. Quien el domingo dijo que millones de personas votaron ilegalmente en los comicios del 8 de noviembre. Creo that lo puedo decir es un hecho this, that did you did you did you be used from the Casa Blanca, Josh Earnest, en su rueda de prensa diaria. Preguntado por las reclamaciones de Trump. o portal remete todos os jogos do presidente eleitoral para comentarios sobre os mensageiros do Twitter com o que o magnate volvi no primeiro sistema eleitoral estadounidense. Para una reacción de explicacin, les referire al equipo del presidente electo, zanj Earnest. Trump volvi a azamor o fantasma da fraude eleitoral em uma média do foco médico do recibo de votos pedido pelo Partido Verde em Wisconsin e Pensilvânia, todo o que é Michigan antes dos mircoles. Su equipo de transicir insistiu em que as crianças prevejam a fraude eleitoral, despiu de que o domingo o magnata denunciou que os millones de pessoas votaram ilegalmente nos elecciones de 8 de novembro. Casa de férias que não tem feno de fraude eleitoral Com informações de La Verdad Sguenos no Twitter entorno Para a visita informativa: MundinewsThe Times A homepage de Sunday Times Theresa May vai voltar a subir íngreme para as contas de imposto municipal nesta semana, na tentativa de tapar um buraco escancarado no financiamento de assistência social. Avisos de uma crise absoluta na indústria levaram o primeiro-ministro a abandonar sua oposição aos aumentos, enquanto o governo se esforça para provar que é. Theresa May vai voltar a elevar as taxas de imposto municipal nesta semana, numa tentativa de tapar um buraco no financiamento de assistência social. Avisos de uma crise absoluta na indústria levaram o primeiro-ministro a abandonar sua oposição aos aumentos, enquanto o governo se esforça para provar que é. Theresa May vai voltar a elevar as taxas de imposto municipal nesta semana, numa tentativa de tapar um buraco no financiamento de assistência social. A Grã-Bretanha deu 274 milhões de dólares em ajuda externa a uma controversa organização de mudanças climáticas sem saber para onde vai o dinheiro. A doação para o Fundo Estratégico do Clima foi feita para que o governo se aproximasse de cumprir sua promessa de gastar 0,7% da renda nacional em ajuda externa. O fundo foi divulgado no ano passado para ser. A Grã-Bretanha deu 274 milhões de dólares em ajuda externa a uma controversa organização de mudanças climáticas sem saber para onde vai o dinheiro. A doação para o Fundo Estratégico do Clima foi feita para que o governo se aproximasse de cumprir sua promessa de gastar 0,7% da renda nacional em ajuda externa. O fundo foi divulgado no ano passado para ser. A Grã-Bretanha deu 274 milhões de dólares em ajuda externa a uma controversa organização de mudanças climáticas sem saber para onde vai o dinheiro. Sobreviventes de câncer de mama têm um prognóstico melhor quando são apoiados por amigos e familiares, segundo um estudo. A pesquisa mostrou que as mulheres eram mais propensas a sofrer um retorno do câncer e mais propensas a morrer. Sobreviventes de câncer de mama têm um prognóstico melhor quando são apoiados por amigos e familiares, segundo um estudo. A pesquisa mostrou que as mulheres eram mais propensas a sofrer um retorno do câncer e mais propensas a morrer. Sobreviventes de câncer de mama têm um prognóstico melhor quando são apoiados por amigos e familiares, segundo um estudo. Na solidão do corredor de longa distância. o protagonista da história seminal de Alan Sillitoes fala de seu amor pelo esporte. Você tinha que correr, correr, correr sem saber por que você estava correndo. a única vez que você. Na solidão do corredor de longa distância. o protagonista da história seminal de Alan Sillitoes fala de seu amor pelo esporte. Você tinha que correr, correr, correr sem saber por que você estava correndo. a única vez que você. Na solidão do corredor de longa distância. o protagonista da história seminal de Alan Sillitoes fala de seu amor. Os estudantes da Universidade de Oxford foram instruídos a usar pronomes de gênero neutro, como ze, ao invés de ele ou ela, em uma tentativa de acabar com a discriminação contra pessoas transgêneras. Orientação no folheto de um sindicato de estudantes. Os estudantes da Universidade de Oxford foram instruídos a usar pronomes de gênero neutro, como ze, ao invés de ele ou ela, em uma tentativa de acabar com a discriminação contra pessoas transgêneras. Orientação no folheto de um sindicato de estudantes. Os alunos da Universidade de Oxford foram instruídos a usar pronomes de gênero neutro, como ze, ao invés de ele ou ela. Duas novas escolas seguras devem ser construídas para manter os jovens infratores fora do sistema prisional e tentar reduzir as taxas de reincidência. Liz Truss, a secretária de justiça, anunciará os planos como parte de um esforço para colocar a educação. Duas novas escolas seguras devem ser construídas para manter os jovens infratores fora do sistema prisional e tentar reduzir as taxas de reincidência. Liz Truss, a secretária de justiça, anunciará os planos como parte de um esforço para colocar a educação. Duas novas escolas seguras devem ser construídas para manter os jovens infratores fora do sistema prisional e tentar derrubá-los. Os mercados de divisas do mundo encolheram pela primeira vez no registro em uma recessão que representa um grande desafio para a cidade, líder global na compra e venda de moedas. Os volumes diários de transações cambiais encolheram 300 bilhões nos últimos três anos para 5,1. Os mercados de divisas do mundo encolheram pela primeira vez no registro em uma recessão que representa um grande desafio para a cidade, líder global na compra e venda de moedas. Os volumes diários de transações cambiais encolheram 300 bilhões nos últimos três anos para 5,1. Os mercados de câmbio do mundo encolheram pela primeira vez no registro em uma recessão que representa um grande desafio para o. Especialistas em insolvência acreditam que os bancos da cidade poderiam ter sido vítimas de uma fraude multimilionária, segundo documentos recentemente protocolados. Advogados e um especialista forense foram contratados por administradores da Invexstar Capital Management depois que uma investigação inicial sobre o colapso dos grupos no ano passado revelou uma questão que poderia levar a isso. Especialistas em insolvência acreditam que os bancos da cidade poderiam ter sido vítimas de uma fraude multimilionária, segundo documentos recentemente protocolados. Advogados e um especialista forense foram contratados por administradores da Invexstar Capital Management depois que uma investigação inicial sobre o colapso dos grupos no ano passado revelou uma questão que poderia levar a isso. Especialistas em insolvência acreditam que os bancos da cidade poderiam ter sido vítimas de uma fraude multimilionária, de acordo com documentos recentes. O Banco da Inglaterra adicionou os títulos de algumas das principais universidades da Grã-Bretanha a uma lista de dívidas que está preparada para comprar, à medida que embarca na mais recente etapa de seu afrouxamento quantitativo de 435 bilhões. Títulos no valor de 1,2 bilhões, incluindo a dívida vendida pela Universidade de Cambridge, foram adicionados a uma lista de títulos. O Banco da Inglaterra adicionou os títulos de algumas das principais universidades britânicas a uma lista de. O Banco da Inglaterra adicionou os títulos de algumas das principais universidades britânicas a uma lista de. Durante anos, cultivar açafrão nas planícies varridas pelo vento da região central da Espanha oferecia pouco retorno, exceto dor nas costas. Agora os produtores estão colhendo as recompensas, já que os consumidores buscam um açafrão de maior qualidade do que a variedade mais barata produzida por. Durante anos, cultivar açafrão nas planícies varridas pelo vento da Espanha central não era o suficiente. Durante anos, cultivar açafrão nas planícies varridas pelo vento da Espanha central não era o suficiente. Quando Matthias Mller revelou uma nova estratégia para a Volkswagen no mês passado, o chefe de montadoras alemãs deu o todo. Quando Matthias Mller revelou uma nova estratégia para a Volkswagen no mês passado, as montadoras alemãs. Quando Matthias Mller revelou uma nova estratégia para a Volkswagen no mês passado, as montadoras alemãs. Segunda-feira Christine Lagarde, diretor-gerente do Fundo Monetário Internacional, aparece no tribunal no início de. Segunda-feira Christine Lagarde, diretor-gerente do Fundo Monetário Internacional, aparece em. Segunda-feira Christine Lagarde, diretor do Fundo Monetário Internacional, aparece em. Antonio Conte descreveu a perspectiva de Chelsea sendo pontos atracados pela Associação de Futebol por sua participação no 22-homem flare-up no final de sua vitória sobre o Manchester City no Etihad Stadium na semana passada como uma brincadeira. O time de Contes retornou ao topo da cortesia da Premier League. Antonio Conte descreveu a perspectiva de o Chelsea ser atropelado pela Federação de Futebol por sua participação no ataque de 22 homens no final de sua vitória sobre o Manchester City no Etihad Stadium, no último final de semana, como uma piada. O time de Contes retornou ao topo da cortesia da Premier League. Antonio Conte descreveu a perspectiva de o Chelsea ser colocado como ponto pela Associação de Futebol por sua participação no. Dario Gradi foi suspenso do cargo de diretor de futebol da Crewe Alexandra pela Associação de Futebol Americano, na pendência de uma investigação sobre o histórico escândalo de abuso infantil. Gradi, 75 anos, está com Crewe desde 1983, mas foi instruído a se afastar enquanto o corpo de futebol americano lança seu inquérito. Acredita-se que isso vai acontecer. Dario Gradi foi suspenso do cargo de diretor de futebol da Crewe Alexandra pela Associação de Futebol Americano, na pendência de uma investigação sobre o histórico escândalo de abuso infantil. Gradi, 75 anos, está com Crewe desde 1983, mas foi instruído a se afastar enquanto o corpo de futebol americano lança seu inquérito. Acredita-se que isso vai acontecer. Dario Gradi foi suspenso de seu papel como diretor de futebol na Crewe Alexandra pela Associação de Futebol, na pendência de um. James Anderson acusou efetivamente Virat Kohli de ser um valentão, alegando que não houve melhora perceptível no jogo do batedor que lutou tanto na Inglaterra há dois anos. Os capitães de innings magistrais de 235 em Mumbai ajudaram a Índia a publicar 631 em seus primeiros turnos e. James Anderson acusou efetivamente Virat Kohli de ser um valentão, alegando isso. James Anderson acusou efetivamente Virat Kohli de ser um valentão, alegando isso. De volta à terra firme, Adam Peaty está cheio de orgulho e patriotismo. O nadador admite que essa afeição pelo Império Britânico e A Ponte no Rio Kwai não é um tique normal para um atleta olímpico de vinte e poucos anos. Oh, doeu, Adam Peaty então. De volta à terra firme, Adam Peaty está cheio de orgulho e patriotismo. O nadador admite isso. De volta à terra firme, Adam Peaty está cheio de orgulho e patriotismo. O nadador admite isso. Qual foi o ato mais idiota do braço oscilante que conectou com Sean OBrien quando ele tombou para trás ou para a frente. Qual foi o ato mais idiota do braço oscilante que se conectou com Sean Obrien quando ele caiu. Qual foi o ato mais idiota do braço oscilante que se conectou com Sean Obrien quando ele caiu. Apesar de todas as suas tribulações, os argumentos mal interpretados, seleções equivocadas e oportunidades perdidas foram a Inglaterra. Apesar de todas as suas tribulações, a leitura errada, as seleções erradas e erradas. Apesar de todas as suas tribulações, a leitura errada, as seleções erradas e erradas. Henrikh Mkhitaryan aplicou o toque decisivo, Michael Carrick forneceu os cérebros, Marcos Rojo defendeu como um demônio, mas foi Ander Herrera quem demonstrou mais uma vez por que ele está se tornando rapidamente o batimento cardíaco deste lado do Manchester United. Herrera é um líder sem a braçadeira. Seu desejo de entregar para os fãs, e sua liderança faminta da imprensa para perturbar. Henrikh Mkhitaryan aplicou o toque decisivo, Michael Carrick forneceu os cérebros, Marcos Rojo. Henrikh Mkhitaryan aplicou o toque decisivo, Michael Carrick forneceu os cérebros, Marcos Rojo. Diego Costa parece ser um homem mudado sob Antonio Conte, além de manter esse hábito inestimável de pegar um. Diego Costa parece ser um homem diferente de Antonio Conte, além de manter o hábito inestimável de conseguir um gol quando seu técnico mais precisa. O atacante espanhol mal teve um chute de 77 minutos como West Bromwich Albion defendeu com notável determinação, mas em vez de perder a cabeça, ele manteve o seu. Diego Costa parece ser um homem mudado sob Antonio Conte, além de manter esse hábito inestimável de pegar um gol quando. Havia 20% de desconto em tudo na loja do clube, uma venda de Natal, como eles chamavam. Era como de costume na Crewe Alexandra, apregoando novatos vestidos com azevinhos e galhadas, vendendo lenços e despertadores, sacos de mingau de aveia. Havia 20% de desconto em tudo na loja do clube, uma venda de Natal, como eles chamavam. Isso foi. Havia 20% de desconto em tudo na loja do clube, uma venda de Natal, como eles chamavam. Isso foi. Arsne Wenger disse que as estatísticas contavam a história, enquanto Theo Walcott apontava para uma mudança tangível de atitude. Arsne Wenger disse que as estatísticas contavam a história, enquanto Theo Walcott apontava para algo tangível. Arsne Wenger disse que as estatísticas contavam a história, enquanto Theo Walcott apontava para algo tangível. Turf Moor, Burnleys em casa há 133 anos, está provando ser o mais poderoso aliado de Sean Dyches como ele tenta. Turf Moor, Burnleys em casa há 133 anos, está provando ser o mais poderoso aliado de Sean Dyches. Turf Moor, Burnleys em casa há 133 anos, está provando ser o mais poderoso aliado de Sean Dyches. Quase todos os franceses economicamente letrados eram contra o superátodo de 75% que Franois Hollande impunha aos altos salários em 2012. O presidente acreditava que isso geraria enormes receitas, reduziria o déficit e impulsionaria o crescimento. Ele estava errado. Quase todos os franceses economicamente alfabetizados eram contra o supertaxo de 75% que Franois. Quase todos os franceses economicamente alfabetizados eram contra o supertaxo de 75% que Franois. Cada time da casa no primeiro lance marcou três ou mais gols no sábado, a primeira vez desde setembro de 1936 que isso aconteceu no mesmo dia em que pelo menos seis partidas foram disputadas. Sábado também foi o primeiro dia para. Cada time da casa no primeiro lance marcou três ou mais gols no sábado, a primeira vez desde setembro de 1936 que isso aconteceu no mesmo dia em que pelo menos seis partidas foram disputadas. Sábado também foi o primeiro dia para. Cada time da casa no primeiro lance marcou três ou mais gols no sábado, a primeira vez desde setembro de 1936 que. Wilfried Zaha pode estar perto de completar sua mudança de lealdade para a Costa do Marfim, mas seu excelente desempenho contra o Hull City mostra que ele ainda é bom o suficiente para jogar pela Inglaterra, de acordo com Alan Pardew. O cristal. Wilfried Zaha pode estar perto de completar sua mudança de lealdade para a Costa do Marfim, mas seu excelente desempenho contra o Hull City mostra que ele ainda é bom o suficiente para jogar pela Inglaterra, de acordo com Alan Pardew. O cristal. Wilfried Zaha pode estar perto de concluir sua mudança de lealdade à Costa do Marfim, mas seu excelente desempenho. Por mais de duas décadas, a AA Gill foi a mais influente crítica de restaurantes e TV do país. Sua língua waspish dada uma plataforma a cada semana no The Sunday Times não poupou ninguém. Qualquer um que deseje elogios deve falar com sua mãe, ele uma vez. Por mais de duas décadas, a AA Gill foi a mais influente crítica de restaurantes e TV do país. Por mais de duas décadas, a AA Gill foi a mais influente crítica de restaurantes e TV do país. neste dia: 12 de dezembro de 1916 Buckingham Palace 10 de dezembro, 2016 A Princesa Alexandra, Patron, esta noite compareceu ao Crisis UK Carol Service. Palácio de Buckingham 10 de dezembro de 2016 Princesa Alexandra, Patron, esta noite assistiu a. Palácio de Buckingham 10 de dezembro de 2016 Princesa Alexandra, Patron, esta noite assistiu a. Quando John Glenn se tornou o primeiro americano a orbitar a Terra, o feito fez dele o homem mais famoso do mundo. Quando John Glenn se tornou o primeiro americano a orbitar a Terra, o feito fez dele o mais famoso. Quando John Glenn se tornou o primeiro americano a orbitar a Terra, o feito fez dele o mais famoso. Nicola Sturgeon deve adiar um segundo referendo sobre a independência até que o governo do Reino Unido chegue a um acordo sobre o Brexit, segundo um de seus ex-ministros. Alex Neil acredita que a melhor data para outro voto seria após a eleição geral de 2020, quando o Reino Unido teria efetivamente deixado a UE. Suas opiniões tendem a irritar o SNP. Nicola Sturgeon deve adiar um segundo referendo sobre a independência até depois do governo do Reino Unido. Nicola Sturgeon deve adiar um segundo referendo sobre a independência até depois do governo do Reino Unido. Por razões que ele não consegue explicar, Alex Neil, forte lutador de SNP pela causa nacionalista, é. Por razões que ele não consegue explicar, Alex Neil, forte lutador de SNP pela causa nacionalista, é considerado um fundamentalista de esquerda, um defensor da independência, um feroz crítico da tendência gradualista. Isso poderia ter algo a ver com o fato de que, como sua Wikipedia. Por razões que ele não consegue explicar, Alex Neil, forte lutador de SNP pela causa nacionalista, é considerado. Os governos irlandês e britânico devem negociar um novo acordo bilateral baseado nos acordos atuais entre os dois países, que devem ser ratificados pela UE como parte de um acordo final do Brexit, recomendou a Câmara dos Lordes em um relatório divulgado hoje. A Casa dos Lordes da UE. Os governos irlandês e britânico devem negociar um novo acordo bilateral baseado nos acordos atuais entre os dois países, que devem ser ratificados pela UE como parte de um acordo final do Brexit, recomendou a Câmara dos Lordes em um relatório divulgado hoje. A Casa dos Lordes da UE. Os governos irlandês e britânico devem negociar um novo acordo bilateral baseado nos acordos atuais entre os dois. Gerry Adams se recusou a pedir ao líder sênior do IRA que ele trouxesse os irmãos Stack para se encontrar para se apresentar como voluntário na garda. O líder do Sinn Fein estava falando ontem depois de uma semana tórrida de revelações para ele e seu partido. Sr. Adams disse que ele estava tentando ajudar os irmãos a obter respostas sobre o assassinato de seu pai, Brian Stack, a. Gerry Adams se recusou a pedir ao líder sênior do IRA que ele trouxesse os irmãos Stack para se encontrar para se apresentar como voluntário na garda. O líder do Sinn Fein estava falando ontem depois de uma semana tórrida de revelações para ele e seu partido. Sr. Adams disse que ele estava tentando ajudar os irmãos a obter respostas sobre o assassinato de seu pai, Brian Stack, a. Gerry Adams se recusou a pedir ao líder sênior do IRA que ele trouxesse os irmãos Stack para se encontrar para se apresentar como voluntário na garda. Caçadores de cervos e conservacionistas alertaram sobre uma onda de caça furtiva depois que filmagens surgiram on-line de cervos sendo espancados até a morte com martelos depois de serem caçados por cães. Houve dois incidentes confirmados de caça ilegal na última quinzena com caçadores atirando veados à noite sem a devida licença. John. Caçadores de cervos e conservacionistas alertaram sobre uma onda de caça ilegal depois que imagens foram publicadas online. Caçadores de cervos e conservacionistas alertaram sobre uma onda de caça ilegal depois que imagens foram publicadas online. O conto de fadas não chegou a se materializar para Fionnuala McCormack quando ela terminou fora das medalhas no Campeonato Europeu de Cross-Country, em Chia, na Itália. No dia em que os 32 anos, de Dublin, igualaram o recorde de Sonia OSullivans. O conto de fadas não se materializou para Fionnuala McCormack quando ela terminou do lado de fora. O conto de fadas não se materializou para Fionnuala McCormack quando ela terminou do lado de fora. Entre em contato Mais do The Times e The Sunday Times copie o Times Newspapers Limited 2016. Registrado na Inglaterra No. 894646. Escritório registrado: 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF. Receba acesso gratuito a dois artigos do The Times e do The Sunday Times todas as semanasNomes de empresas usados ​​na fraude em moedas da WWW Fraude em loteria holandesa, belga, britânica e suíça: w3.rz-berlin. mpg. de/ Quatloos, Financeira e Fraude fiscal Educação Associados , Inc. quatloos / scams / nigerian. htm Obrigado por visitar Altnews Altnews Editores ---------- End Comentário Editorial --------- 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Associados AK amp ABACHA INVESTMENT Abidi amp Associados ABN Amro Bank Amesterdão ABSA BANCO LIMITADO ABSA Banco Plc Abubakar Law Firm Banco de Acesso Nigéria Ltd. BANCO DE ACESSO NIGERIA PLC. Acesso Banco de Nig. 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BALA amp CO Sorteio do Banco Unicaja BANCO DA ÁFRICA Banco da África RCI BANCO DA ÁFRICA, ABIDJAN, COTE D IVOIRE BANK DO CHINA BANK OF CHINA SHENZHEN Banco do Banco Norte do North Bank do North Bankers CONSÓRCIO Bankers Trust Com Filial Nova Iorque BANCOS CONFIANÇA NOVA IORQUE BANCO BANORABE Banco Internacional de Abidjan BANQUE INTERNACIONAL DU BURKINOUAGADOUGOU BANQUE INTERNATIONALE D ABIDJAN Banque internationale De lAfrique BANQUE INTERNACIONAL DE LAFRIQUE DE LOUEST BANQUE INTERNACIONAL DU ABIDJAN BANQUE INTERNATIONALE DU BENIN Banque Senegalo-Tunisinne (BST). BANQUE TOGOLAISE DE DESENVOLVIMENTO Banque Togolaise Pour Le Commerce e LIndustrie Lome-Togo Barrister Ahmed Bako e co Batoku BEACON OIL LTD Beke Câmaras Bello amp Bello Associates BEN CÂMARAS E PARCEIROS Benin Banque Comercial do Benim BENSON EKEH Amplo ASSOCIADOS BETALINK COMPUTADOR BIAO banco biao Biao Banco Abidjan BIAO BANCO DE COTE DIVOIRE BIATOGO BANQUE INTERNACIONAL BICICI BANK Abidjan Cte d Ivoire BISSAU HOTEL CONSELHO AFRICANO REFUGEES FUNDAÇÃO (ARF) CONSELHO DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO, PETROLEO (ESPECIAL) TRUST FUND Bond Bond Bond Plc Bonded Trust BONDPROMOTIONS SWEEPSTAKES Borad exportação serviços de carga Brian A. Williams Law Escritório Broad Bank da Nigéria, Plc BUMIPUTRA COMMERCE BANK BERHAD Bureau de Obras Públicas (BPW), República do Benim BURGA-SOFTWARE INTERNACIONAL SWEEPSTAKE LOTTERY NL BURGA-SOFTWARE INTERNACIONAL SWEEPSTAKE LOTTERY NL CAPITAL FUNDS LTD. CAPITAL PETROLUEM COROPERATION CC. Camambers Co. CENTRAL BANK OF SERRA LEOA (CBS) CENTURY CHEMICALS DESAFIO SECURITIES DESAFIO TÍTULOS E FINANÇAS LTD Câmara: Ohans amp Co. Abidjan BANCO FRETADO DE NIG. UNIDADE DE ALOCAÇÃO DE TROCA PLC CHASE FÁCIL LOTARIA DE E-MAIL Chesson Family Corporation, EMPRESA DE INVESTIMENTO EMPRESARIAL ABIDJAN CHINA CONFIANÇA BANCO COMERCIAL Chinatrust Banco Comercial CHO HUNG BANK CHRISTAN MISSÃO PENTICOSTAL CHUBA amp CO CHUBA amp CO CHUBA amp CO CITEBANK NIGÉRIA CITI EXPRESS BANCO CITI TRUST BANK Citi Trust Banco CITI TRUST HOUSE BV CIDADÃO BANCO INTERNACIONAL LTD CIDADÃO BANCO INTERNACIONAL PLC CIDADÃO ITERNATIONAL BANK PLC. CITIZENS BANK NIG LIMITADA Citizens Bank Plc Cidadania Internacional Bank Plc CIDADANIA INTERNATIONAL BANK (CIB City Bank da África do Sul CITY EXPRESS BANK DA NIGÉRIA PLC City Express Bank PLC, títulos expressos da cidade CITY SECURITIES LTD Cidade Securities Ltd CIDADE CONFIAR City Trust Company City Trust Finanças CITY TRUST FINANCE amp SECURITIES CO. LIMITADA City Trust Finance amp Segurança CITYFORTH FINANCE CO. LTD CIDADE TRUST FINANCE COMPANY CLAYFORT INVESTIMENTO LTD CLAYFORTH. INTERVISÃO LTD CLIFFORD DURU GARRY CHAMBERS COMÉRCIO FINANÇAS ampère SEGUROS LTD COMET FINANCE ampère SEGUROS LTD COMÉRCIO TRUST BANK PLC Banco Comercial da África Banco Comercial da Maurícia Commercial Trust Bank, Gana CONTINENTAL ASSOCIATES TRUST AGENCY ASSOCIADOS CONTINENTAIS TRUST AGENCY CONTINENTAL ASSOCIATES TRUST AGÊNCIA BANCO CONTINENTAL COTONOU Continental Bank Of Africa BANCO CONTINENTAL DA ÁFRICA AGÊNCIA CONTINENTAL DIPLOMÁTICA DE SEGURANÇA HOLLAND Continental Security Company Empresa de SEGURANÇA CONTINENTAL / FINANÇAS CONTINENTAL STAKES LOTTERY CONTRATO INTERNACIONAL CONSULTORIA CORP COOPEC BANCO COOPEC BANCO DE ABIDJAN COOPEC BANCO INTERNACIONAL ABIDJAN COPEC SECURITIES ORGANIZAÇÃO Cte DIvoire Socit Ivoirienne de Raffinage (SIR) COTE DIVOIRE TELECOMUNICAÇÃO Crédito - jantes Banqueiros de investimento CRÉDITO E BANCO DE COMÉRCIO COMÉRCIO DE CRÉDITO DU FRANÇA BANCO CRÉDITO UNION BANK CRESTERLOTTO Crystal Lottery International Crystal Trust Empresa Financeira D. WILLIAMSAS amp ASSOCIATES DAKOTA FINANCIAMENTO E SEGURANÇA Dan Co. Ltd DASUKI AGRO-ALLIED FARMS DAVE CHEMBERS David Olowo e Co David, Ayo amp Co. Chambers DAYZERS LOTERIJ NL De Diamant Finanças e Valores Mobiliários, DE GOUDSE VERZEKERINGEN PROMOÇÃO DE LOTERIJ. PROMOÇÃO DE LOTERIJ. DELTA BANK E TRUST CO LTD DEPARTAMENTO DE RECURSOS DE PETRÓLEO DESMONDampDESMOND Chambers amp associates BANCO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO PARA ÁFRICA AUSTRAL DBSA. TÍTULOS E CAPITAL DE INVESTIMENTOS DA DIAMMOND. BANCO DE DIAMANTES Filial de Lagos Diamond Bank Ltd DIAMANTE BANCO DE LOME - TOGO Diamond Bank da Nigéria Diamante Finanças amp Diamante Link Diamante Finance Banking Services Limited Diamante Link Finance Banking Services Limited DIAMANTE SEGURANÇA E CONFIANÇA FINANCEIRO DIAMANTE CONFIANÇA BANCO NIGÉRIA DIKE ASSOCIADOS DILIGENT BANK NIG PLC DIPLOMATIC COURIER SERVICES, ESPANHA Diplomatic Express Courier Services Diplomatic Express Courier Services Diplomatic Express Courier Services Diplomatic Express Courier Services Diplomatic Worldwide Express (DWE) DIVINO GRACE CÂMARAS DIVINE GRACE CÂMARAS DOMINION LEGAL CHAMBERS Dominion Merchantile Bank DR. USMAN ALI CÂMARAS Drakeson Fleming Investment Co. DRAKESON-FLEMING INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED DSATF Câmaras Duke Mbanaso duru kenta E. A.A. S Lottery Eagle Shipping Ltd BANCO INTERNACIONAL ECO BANK PLC, NIGÉRIA. ECO BANK INTERNATIONAL PLC, ECO - BANK LIMITADO ÁFRICA OCIDENTAL Eco Bank Ltd. TOGO Eco Financiamento de Amplo Security Trust Bank ECO BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE TOGO ECO BANCO INTERNACIONAL PLC, NIGÉRIA ECOBANK INTERNATIONAL C-I ECOBANCO LOME TOGO (BCE) ECOBANK NIGERIA PLC Ecobank Plc. Comissão de Crimes Econômicos e Financeiros Comissão de Crimes Econômicos e Financeiros COMUNIDADE ECONÔMICA DOS ESTADOS DA ÁFRICA OCIDENTAL (CEDEAO) Comitê de Concessão de Contratos da CEDEAO CEDEAO PAYMENT BUREAU COMPANHIA DE SEGURANÇA DA CEDEAO Empresa de Segurança Ecowas Lome EMPRESA DE CONFIANÇA E SEGURANÇA DA ECOWAS Ecowas Vault AM, EFCC EFCC EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS EGHAREVBA HOSPITAL (PRIVADO) Ego Associates EGOLI LOTTERY SA EGOLI LOTTERIA SA EGOLI LOTTERY / INTERNATIONAL Eko Banco da Nigéria EL GORDO SWEEPSTAKE LOTTERY EMPRESA SL EL GORDO SWEEPSTAKE LOTTERY EMPRESA SL ELGORDO LOTTERY LA PRIMITIVA. Emak Chambers amp Parceiros Emak Chambers amp Parceiros Empresa Nacionais de Diamantes de Angola ENDIAMA ENTRACO Sarl. Enugu Hospital militar Equita Finance House Banco Equitativo Equity Equity Bank Equity Bank Equity Financiar Equity FINANCE SECURITIES EQUITY INVESTIMENTO LIMITED EQUITY Trust EMPRESAS LIMITADA ERONINI E ASSOCIADO CÂMARAS ERONINI ASSOCIADO CÂMARAS ESPACE MEDICAL SAINT PAUL ETIM OESTE amp CO E-UFinanças e Títulos E-UFINÂNCIA E VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS E-UFINÂNCIA E VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS AMSTERDÃ HOLLAND Euro - Sorteio Afro-americano Lotaria Euro - Afro Sorteio Asiático Sorteio EURO AFRIQUE SERVIÇOS DE CARGA DIPLOMÁTICA euro comissao de comissao de credito co madrid EURO SEGURANÇA EMPRESARIAL SL Euro World Service BV. EURO / AFRICA LOTTREY PROGRAMA EURO-AFRO SWEEPSTAKE LOTTERY NL EUROCOMM OVERSEAS LTD (LONDRES) Eurofintru Finanças e Confiança EUROLITE BV Eurolite Services BV EUROMAIL LOTTO INTERNACIONAL EUROMAIL LOTTO INTERNATIONAL EUROPA SWEEPSTAKE LOTTERY Evans Dikko & Co. EXCEL CHAMBERS EXCEL Câmaras e PARCEIROS EXCEL Câmaras e PARCEIROS EXCEL CÂMARAS E PARCEIROS FA Williams e compay FAWILLIAMSamp CO FC DIOP amp CO SOLICITORES FC DIOP amp CO SOLICITORS AGRICULTORES ASSOCIAÇÃO DE ZIMBABUÍZAS AGRICULTORES ASSOCIAÇÃO DE ZIMBABWE FC Nedbank SA FCDCS FED. INFORMA DE RECURSOS PETROLUÉUS Autoridade Federal do Aeroporto da Nigéria (FAAN) Federal Investigation amp Bureau de Inteligência (FIIB) Ministérios Federais de Obras e Habitação (FMWH) MINISTÉRIO FEDERAL DA AVIAÇÃO Ministério Federal das Finanças Libéria MINISTÉRIO FEDERAL DA SAÚDE SERVIÇOS SOCIAIS Ministério Federal da Informação e Planeamento Estratégico Ministério Federal do Amplificador de Potência (FMPampS). MINISTÉRIO FEDERAL DE TRANSPORTES E AVIAÇÃO MINISTÉRIO FEDERAL DE OBRAS E HABITAÇÃO PODER FEDERAL DO MINISTÉRIO DO PODER E DO AÇO. (NIGÉRIA) FIDELIDADE FINANÇAS E SEGURANÇA EMPRESA LIMITADA FIDELIDADE FINANÇAS E VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS LIMITADA Fidelity Funds e Security BV Fidelity Bank of Nigerial Limited FIDELITYTRUST SERVIÇOS DE SEGURANÇA FINACORP OIL AND ALLIED PRODUCTS (NIG) LTD. TÍTULOS DE INVESTIMENTO FINANCEIRO TÍTULOS DE INVESTIMENTO FINANCEIRO Fideicomisso Financeiro e Títulos BANCO DE CONFIANÇA FINANCEIRA COTONOU Financier Bank Plc, Primeiro Banco do Atlântico PLC First Atlantic Bank, Lagos-Nigéria First AtlanticTrust Bank Plc Primeiro Banco da Nigéria Plc FIRST BANK PLC First Choice Diplomatic Serviços de Courier First Finance Ltd. First Merchant Bank Londres PRIMEIRO BANCO DE RANAS PRIMEIRO BANCO PLC FLASH FORTUNE LOTTO FLASH FORTUNE LOTTO ÁFRICA DO SUL FLASH FORTUNE LOTTO ÁFRICA DO SUL / PROGRAMAS INTERNACIONAIS FLASH FORTUNE LOTTO ÁFRICA DO SUL / PROGRAMAS INTERNACIONAIS Foreign Payment Commission Co. FOREX TRUST AGÊNCIA AMSTERDÃO FORTES BANK. AMESTERDAM FORTUNE CONFIANÇA FINANCEIRA SECURITIES FORTUNEGA AGÊNCIA AGENTE Foundmoney International Found-money Internacional Frank Nnamdi câmaras FRED CAMARA DIOP amp ASSOCIADOS FRED CAMARA DIOP amp ASSOCIADOS Frederick Williams amp Co FSB BANCO INTERNACIONAL FSB BANCO INTERNACIONAL FXfinance Galaxy Security amp Gardiennage Inc. GAMBARI amp ASSOCIATES GAMNIGUWA ASYLUM CAMP Garry Chambers GATESCYBER INT. LOTTERY GATESCYBER INT. LOTTERY Comissão do Conselho Geral de Alocação (ABC) em Abidjan GEORGE OGBEDI CO CO. GEORGE OGBEDI amp CO. MINISTÉRIO DE AVIAÇÃO DO GANA Glendoven Farms FAZENDAS GLENDOVEN Glendoven Farms Global amp Confiança Básica e Finanças Inc. GLobal Bank PLC Global Cash Trust Câmaras Globais GLOBAL CREDIT COMMISSION GLOBAL DIVLOMATIC SECURITIES amp AGÊNCIA DE CARGAS Global Diplomatic Security and Courier Co Global Diplomatic Security Service, Amsterdã GLOBAL DIPLOMATIC SERVICES Global Agência de Finanças e Trust EMPRESA DE SEGURANÇA FINANCEIRA GLOBAL INZURICH-SWITZERLAND. Global Financial Services GLOBAL INVESTMENT COMPANY GLOBAL LOTERIA GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL LOTTO PROMO LOTTERY GLOBAL NET LOTTERY Global Pacific Serviços de Títulos e Saldos Global Pacific Serviços de Títulos e Salários GLOBAL SECURITIES amp FINANCE - ACCRA, GANA Global Securities Corporation GLOBAL SECURITIES DIAMANTE E PRECIOSA EMPRESAS DE MINERAÇÃO Limited Global Security amp Trust Company Global Security Company (LTD), Global Security Company (PTY), Accra Gana GLOBAL SECURITY COMPANY LTD, NIGÉRIA GLOBAL SECURITY COMPANY LTD. GHANA / TOGO REDE DE SEGURANÇA GLOBAL MADRID Global Security Services, Amesterdão GLOBAL SECURITYamp FINACE GLOBAL SOFTWARE LOTERIA INTERNACIONAL E PROMOÇÕES Global Trust amp Securities Inc. Agência Global de Fideicomisso Global trust finance e empresa de segurança Global Trust Security Company GLOBALCOM PROMOÇÃO DE SOFTWARE LOTTERY Global-Diplomático-Security - Company Ltd Globalnet Diplomático e Financeiro BV GLOBALNET AGÊNCIA INTERNACIONAL GLOBALNET AGÊNCIA INTERNACIONAL GlobeNet Secur ity e Trust BV (GNST) Centro de Pagamentos Offshore Glove GOLDEN RAND LOTTERY SA GOLDEN RAND LOTTERY SA GOLDEN RAND LOTTERY ÁFRICA DO SUL GOLDEN STRIKE LOTTO BE Golden Trust Banco GOLDMINE SWEEPSTAKES LOTTERY GOODWILL LOTTERY INTERNACIONAL GOSORD TITULARES SEXTAMENTE TÍTULOS E FINANÇAS GOUDEN VERZEKERINGEN EN FINANCIEREN BV Governo de Escritórios de Ouro e Diamantes (GDDO) GRAHAM DOUGLAS DIREITO FIRME GREGOS NACIONAL LOTARIA GREENFIELDS AGRO-ALLIED COMPANHIA GREG BAMA (ESQ) GRUPO ampBAMA GRUPO 3 PARTNERSHIP MANAGEM MANAGEMENT CONSULTORIA Garantia Amp Merchant Bank Guaranty Trust Bank Ltd BANCO DE GOLFE NIG PLC HALLMARK BANK PLC Segurança Limitada Hallmark Trust Bank Plc. HANG SENG BANK LTD Banco Hang Seng Ltd Harrisgroup Nigéria Ltd. HCFA Laboratórios Headline SecuritiesAnd Finance Company Vault Hillcrest Banco Merchant Plc Hillcrest Merchant Bank Plc HOTEL GALEON Banco HSBC Plc HSBC, filial Burwood, Austrália I. C.C. IberCaja Finance Trust Idigbe, Okoli e Idigbe Idris e Idris Associates Idris consultora IGEH LAW FIRM IGHO AZIZA DIREITO FIRM IGWE CHAMBERS IKEM amp ASSOCIATES, SAINT LUCIA, WI (Índias Ocidentais) IMUST INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY Organização Financeira Independente, SL - Costa do Marfim Independent National Electoral Comissão INEC INEC Infinity Merchants Bank ING Bank BV INLAND BANK NIG. PLC Intercity Trust Bank Plc INTERCONTINENTAL BANK PLC INTERCONTINENTAL BANCO PLC INTERCONTINENTAL PRÊMIO DE SEGURANÇA Intercontinental Security amp Serviços de mensageiro INTERIM MANAGER COMMITTEE (IMC) BANCO INTERNACIONAL PARA ÁFRICA BANCO INTERNACIONAL DA ÁFRICA International Credit Comision International Credit Commission International Financial Security Company INTERNATIONAL LOTTO CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL LOTTO CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL LOTTO LOTTO INTERNACIONAL BRITÂNICA BRITÂNICA UK LOTTO Reino Unido. PROMOÇÕES INTERNACIONAIS / DEPARTAMENTO DE PREMIAÇÃO DE PRÊMIOS Empresa Internacional de Valores Mobiliários de Remessa INTERSEC COURIER E SERVIÇOS DIPLOMÁTICOS Intersec Serviços de Correio Diplomático Intersec Serviços de Correio Diplomáticos INTL. LOTTERY COMISISN INVESTEU BANCO DA ÁFRICA DO SUL Ivory Club International IYOBA LAW CHAMBERS e CO JACKSON ETTIEDU e ASSOCIATE Jagal Chambers e Associates JAMES OKE e CO. SOLICITORS e ADVOGADOS Jeffia, Sowoe amp Associates Jemifax Finance Reino Unido jerry eluagu Chambers SERVIÇO JET John Gbenga e CO John Holly Chambers JOHN KAKI, Câmaras S JOHN MADU LEIR FIRM Johnson Madu câmaras JOHNSON TRADERS SA Josephine A Josephine Associates JPD Odioko A Co Julius and Company Kaduna A Refinaria e Petroquímica (KRPC) A Kaduna / Warri A Refinaria e Petroquímica (KRPC) A Kapital Securities A KAPITAL SERVIÇOS Kaptial Lottery International KELVIN OKOROAFOR CHAMBERS KINGDOM INVESTMENT KOBROWN ASSOCIATES Kokou e Kokou Sociedade de Advogados Kokou e Kokou Sociedade de Advogados KONO Sítio de Ouro e Diamante CO-OP Kumba amp williams LAW CHAMBERS KUMI & ASSOCIATES (GANA) LTD Kunle amp co, Kutigil Câmaras LAMBERT amp ASSOCIATES LAMBERT amp ASSOCIATES LAWALamp ASSOCIADOS LAWRENCE amp ASSOCIADOS LEE DS TRUST AND SECURITIES SA Sociedade de Refinação de Petróleo da Liberian Liberty amp Equity Câmaras Liberty Bank Plc, Lagos LIBERTY CHAMBERS Link Finance e Trust Ltd. Lion Assurance Company Ltd., Leão Ampère Security Deposit Trust Ltd Litmus Law SENHOR E GORDON ADVOGADOS FUNDOS LOTERIA Y APUESTAS DEL ESTADOS LOTTERIA EL GORDO DE PRIMITIVA Loteria EL GORDO DE LA PRIMITIVA Lotaria La Primitiva LOTTERIA PRIMITIVA LOTTO CORPORATION LOTTURA INTERNACIONAL LOTTO LOTTO INTERNACIONAL NL LottoLogic LUCKYDAY E-MAIL LOTTERIA INTERNACIONAL LUCKYDAY E-MAIL LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL MS ADAMU amp CO., MACDOWELS ETS MACPHIL SEGURANÇA EMPRESA Magnum Pacific Finance e valores mobiliários Magnum Pacific Finance e Trust Agency MAGNUM PACIFIC SECURITY amp FINANCE Magnum Trust amp Securities Inc. Magnum Trust Bank Plc, Lagos Magnum Trust Incorporação Magnus Pacific Security amp Finanças MAKRON NTERNATIONAL LOTTERY MAPAS SEGURANÇA E SERVIÇOS DIPLOMÁTICOS EMPRESA DE SEGURANÇA MAPRO SEGURO MARKPETERS DE SEGUROS (NIG) LTD Marvincheco Enterprise Mashreq Bank Plc Dubai MAURÍCIA COMERCIAL BANK LTD Maxtrust Continental McCATHY E EMPRESA MEGA LOTTERY INTERNACIONAL MEGA LOTTERY INTERNACIONAL Mega Segurança MEGA TRUST AGÊNCIA MEGA TRUST AGÊNCIA Melford Consultancy Inc. MERIDIAN TRUST BANK Merith Intl. Bank Michael amp Associados Câmaras Midas Touch Global Midland Consulting Limited Midland Finance Inc. Mid-Western Courier Centro-Oeste Credit Trust Mid-Western Group MIDWESTERN SECURITIES E VAULTS BV midwesterngroup Millennium Serviços de Bagagem Diplomática MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDE E SERVIÇO SOCIAL ES ACCRA, GANA MINISTÉRIO DE MINAS, ENERGIA E AÇO MISSISSIPPI FINANCE COMPANY MISSISSIPPI FINANCE COMPANY MODERNE ASS SECURITY E FINANCE. CO LID Monarch International Bank Plc. MORGAN FINANCIA CONFIANÇA Morgan, Goldridge amp Associates MORRIS EZE CHAMBERS MÃE GENERAL DE MISERICÓRDIA, ORFANATO E MÃOS, BEBÊS CASA International Bank Limited MOTO LOTTO INTERNACIONAL MULTI-MESH NIG LTD NABA LEI FIRME BARRISTERS amp SOLICITORS. Nas Williams & Associates National Bank Lagos BANCO NACIONAL DE DUBAI Banco Nacional da Comissão Nacional de Inteligência Econômica da Libéria (NEIC) Autoridade Nacional de Energia Elétrica (NEPA). Companhia Nacional de Gás (NGC). BANCO DA ECONOMIA DA AMPLA DA CAIXA NACIONAL DA LIBÉRIA. Ned Bank, Johannesburg, África do Sul Ned Bank S / A Ned Bank, Joanesburgo, África do Sul Ned Credit Bank Ned Banco de crédito Ned Credit Bank JoBurg PAÍS DE BAIXO LOTTER CORPORATION Rede Transworld Security Company NOVA ESPERANÇA LOTTERY INTERNACIONAL NOVA ESPERANÇA LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL NOVA NIGÉRIA BANK PLC New York Finance Corporation New York Premium. Incentive Show NEW-HAVEN CHAMBERS NICON (Sociedade Nacional de Seguros da Nigéria) Nicon French Belgium Seguradora NICON INSURANCE CORPORATION NIGER DELTA DESENVOLVIMENTO COMISSÃO NIGER DELTA DESENVOLVIMENTO COMISSÃO NIGER DELTA DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANY (SPDC). Corporação de Desenvolvimento do Delta do Níger (NDDC) - Comissão de Desenvolvimento do Níger-Delta Comissão de Corrupção do Seguro de Depósito da Nigéria (N. D.I. C). NIGÉRIA ENERGIA ELÉCTRICA DE ENERGIA (N. E. P. A) Nigéria Liqiuified Natural Gas Nigéria Telecomunicações NITEL Nigerian National Petroleum CorporationNNPC Nígerian Apex Bank Conselho Nigeriano de Promoção das Exportações (N. E.P. C) ASSOCIAÇÃO NIGERIANA DE FUTEBOL Associação nigeriana de futebol (N. F.A) NIGERIAN GAS COMPANY Plc. LAGOS NIGÉRIA NIGÉRIA GÁS NATURAL LIQUIFICADO (NLNG) Empresa Ferroviária da Nigéria Nigerian Telecommunication Plc Fundo Fiduciário Nigeriano (NTF) Nnama Chambers ampècle Co. Noble Finance Company Nortech Finance Nortech Finance Company NorTech Finance Consultores Independentes em Finanças Nortech Finance LTD, Países Baixos Nortech Trade Ltd Norteck Finance SECURITIES NORTH ATLANTIC SECURITIES NORTH ATLANTIC SECURITIES LTD NORTH-AM TRUST FINANCIAL NORTH-AM TRUST FINANCIAL - ATEN, GRÉCIA. Nwadike Chambers NWOKEDI Câmaras OANDO PLC NIGÉRIA OceanBase Security amp Cargo PTY, Oceanic Bank Of Nigeria PLC OCEANIC SECURITY amp FINANCE COMPANY (OSF), DAKAR SENEGAL Oceanico Secirity Company ESCRITÓRIO DO COMITÉ DE RECONCILIAÇÃO DE DÍVIDA OFFSHORE UNIVERSAL TRUST AMP SECURITIES Ogbodu, Akinwejuwa Law Chamber Oil Minerals production Area Development Commission OKEAYA INNEH LEI FIRM OKWUSA CHAMBERS OLISA AGBAKOBA câmaras OLO NWANI E ASSOCIATES OLONWANI amp ASSOCIATES OMAR SECURITIES amp TRUST Omar World Wide Finance Omar WorldWide Finanças e Segurança Empresa Omar Worldwide Security Co. Ltd. OMPADEC ONE WORLD INTERNATIONAL LOTTO Câmara Oni OPALAIGHT INC. (EUA) ORIENT BANK (NIG.) LTD. ORIENT BANK OF NIGÉRIA ORIENT BANK PLC, Orji e Co. Otota amp Associate Otota amp Associate Oury Clark Solicitors Overseas Credit Commission Overseas Financial Trust OVERSEAS SERVICES SECURITIES INC. OVERSEAS STAKES LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL OVERSEAS STAKES LOTTERY INTERNACIONAL PR AWOPEJU amp ASSOCIATES Banco do Pacífico da África do Sul, Capetown Branch PACIFIC LOTTO FIRMA Pacific Trust e Segurança e Finanças PACIFICLOTTO FIRMA BV Paramount Securities and Finance Co. PATRINUIM FINANÇAS E VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS PAUL CHINWE amp COCHAMBERS Peace-Chambers amp Solicitors PEAK CHAMBERS PEAK TÍTULOS E FINANÇAS BV Pearl Crest Fundo Petrolífero do Grupo das Finanças ( PTF) PETRÓLEO (ESPECIAL) FUNDO DE CONFIANÇA PETROTOGOLAIS Philip Ajayi Sociedade de Advogados PINACLE CHAMBERS Pináculo offshore Pinacle Securities Pinnacle Investment Bank Pinnacle Banqueiros de Investimento PINNACLE Loterij International PINNACLE LOTERIJ NL. PLATINIUM INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY Banco Platinum (Nig) Plc Platinum Bank Limited Banco Pratt Morgan PRIME CONSULTANTS PRIME SECURITY amp FINANCE CO. LTD Prime Trust Continental PRIMROSE VENTURES LIMITED PRINCESA UDENSI amp ASSOCIADOS PRINCESA UDENSI amp ASSOCIADOS PROServiços de Segurança e Finanças (GH) LTD PROBITY CHAMBERS PRO - SECURITY amp FINANCE PRO-SECURITY E FINANCE SERVICES LTD. PRO-SECURITY E FINANCE (GH) LTD PRUDÊNCIA CONFIANÇA E FINANÇAS Prudent Bank Corp Prudencial Bank amp Trust Co (Ramo Zamora) PRUDENCIA DE SEGURANÇA e CARGO SERVIÇOS SARL PUNUKA CHAMBERS Câmaras de Punuka amp Partners Rabui Ventrures Ltd Rainbow Gold e Diamond Mine RAYMOND DUKE amp ASSOCIADO Rede Resgatada Pilar de Incêndios Regent Bank Plc REGIO BANCO BANCO DE CONFIANÇA LIMITADA RENE CHAMBERS Reserve Bank of South Africa (RASA) Rex Chukwu Câmaras RHODES amp ASSOCIATES Richardsampasociates Câmaras Riverside Finance Company LTD Riverside Finance Company LTD ROB CENTRO MÉDICO ABIDJAN Rock Trust e Security Company Rock Trust e Empresa de segurança ROMTOW VENTURES LIMITADA CÂMARA REAL LOME TOGO Royal Crown Securities Royal House Securities Royal House Securities Royal Securities Links Serviços de cofres-fortes Royal Security Company ROYAL STRIDES FINANCE LTD AGÊNCIA DE CONFIANÇA REAL Royalnet Bank RWA AGÊNCIA (RELIEF WEST (ÁFRICA), PMB1171 SNI Bank PLC SAFE TRUST FINANCE amp SEGURANÇA SEGURANÇA SEGURANÇA E SECU RITIES Paróquia de Santa Maria, São Paulo, Brasil SANTA LUZ SEGUROS S. A Sanusi amp Sanusi amp Savanah Bank Plc SCIENTIFIC JOGO PROMO LOTTERY Escócia Securities Sea amp Diplomatic Courier Co Mar e Ar Express Courier Services ORGANIZAÇÃO DE SEGURANÇA Impressão de Segurança e Minting Corporation of Espana. Colheita de semente Ministério Colheita de semente Ministério Colheita de semente Ministério SEED DE COLHEITA MINISTÉRIO Serra Leoa Empresa de ouro e diamantes (SGDC). SII International SIMANATHAN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED SISC SITHOLE amp ASSOCIATES PA SKY EMPRESA DE IMPACTOS E SEGURANÇA Skybird Lotto SKYBIRD PROMO LOTERIA Skyimpact Securities SMITH CHAMBERS SOCIETE GENERALE DE BANQUE Socite Generale de Banque na Costa do Marfim SOLID ROCK FINANCE amp SECURITY LTD SOLID ROCK FINANCE amp SECURITY LTD SOLID ROCK FINANCE SECURITY LTD Solid Trust Securities Sólido Trust Security SOS MINISTRIES Departamento de Mineração e Recursos Naturais da África do Sul (SADMNR) Conselho de Promoção de Exportações da África do Sul (SEPC) Comitê de Desenvolvimento de Petróleo do Sul do Delta Corporação Bancária do Saara Ocidental SPRINT SECURITIES BV SSBC ST . MONICAS DE CROSS International College STALLION SECURITIES STALLION SEGURANÇA EMPRESA (PTY) LTD BANCO STAMBIC DA ÁFRICA DO SUL STANBIC MERCHANT BANK OF NIGERIA. BANCO PADRÃO DA LIBÉRIA Standard chartered Bank, Bulawayo, Zimbábue PADRÃO CORPORATIVO BANCO COMERCIAL DA ÁFRICA DO SUL LIMITADA, (SCMB). Standard Finance amp Securities Ltd. CONFIANÇA FINANCEIRA PADRÃO Standard Financial Trust International PADRÃO LOTERIA PADRÃO INTERNACIONAL LOTERIA PADRÃO INTERNACIONAL TÍTULOS PADRÃO SECURITIES Standard Securities Co. Ltd. STANDARD SECURITIES PADRÃO DE CONFIANÇA STANDARD PLC Standard Trust International Bank PLC STARMARK LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL STE ADOLF & BROTHERS SARL. Ste Organização Mundial Sarl Câmaras de sucesso SUNSWEETWIN LOTTER PROMOTION SUNSWEETWIN POLLO LOTTERY SUNSWEETWIN PROMO LOTERIA SUPREME CHAMBERS Aldeias sustentáveis ​​África SWEEPSTAKE INC SWIFT SECURITIES SWIFT SECURITIES amp COURIER SERVICES SWISS UNION INTERNATIONAL SwissAtlantic Finanças e segurança SYNC INTERNATIONAL SWEEEPSTAKE LOTTERY NL T. ANSAH e ASSOCIATES TAIWO, OLAJUMOKE amp CO Tamina George amp Co Comissão de Telecomunicações de Madagasy (TELMA) TEMPLARS LAWFIRM BARREIROS SOLICITORS AMP Temple Okwu amp Co. Comitê Diretor Tender O banco Chase Manhattan NA LOTTO INTERNACIONAL Reino Unido Tiger Security Deposit amp Finance Company TOGO PORT AUTORITY Transportadores Tom Payne Tony Ezeh amp Co Tower of Hope Charity Home (THCH) Trade Bank, Lagos Trans Global Securities TRANSEUROPA SL Transglobal Finance and Securities TRANSTACT CARGO amp SECURITY SA TRANSTACT CARGO amp SECURITY SA TRANSWORLD DIPLOMATIC COURIER SERVICES Transworld Securities TRANSWORLD SECURITIES NIGERIA PLC Transw orld Security and Finance Company South Africa Transworld Security Service Treasure Chest Sweepstakes Lottery TRUST AND SECURITY COMPANY TRUST OMEGA BANK UBA AHMED CHAMBERS amp ASSOCIATES Uba Ahmed Chambers amp Associates. ULTIMATE CARRIERS AND HANDLERS BV. Unicardia UNION BANK OF NIGERIA PLC Union Togolaise De Banque Union Togolaise de Banque (Union Bank), Lome - Togo Union Togolaise de Banque (UTB) of Lome Togo UNION TRUST SECURITY LIMITED UNIPAL LOTTERY NETHERLAND Unit Trust Finance United Bank for Africa UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA PLC, NEW YORK United Bank for Africa Plc. (UBA), UNITED BANK OF EGYPT(UTB). Universal Deplomatic Baggage UNIVERSAL DIPLOMATIC COURIER Universal Diplomatic Securities UNIVERSAL FOREIGN EXCHANGE - TORONTO Universal Securities Finance amp Trust Universal Securities, Amsterdam Universal Trust Agency UNIVERSAL TRUST BANK OF SENEGAL Universal Trust Bank, Lagos Universal Trust Finance Universal Trust Financial Universal Trust Securities Ltd UNIVERSAL TRUST SECURITY AND FINANCE COMPANY. Upland Banking Resource Management and payment Verification usman abuamp CO UTILITY GROUP INTERNATIONAL UWA amp ASSOCIATES UYOMERE LAW FIRM VERISIGN SECURE AGENT, Vertex Finance Company Vicky amp Vicky Associates VINTAGE CARS PROMOTION VIRTUAL SECURITIES AND FINANCE LTD VIRTUAL WORLD DIRECT EXTRA PROMOTION WATACO WESTAFRICA SARL ABIDJAN Watergate inc Watergate Inc. wema bank WEMA BANK OF NIGERIA PLC WEMA BANK PLC WEST AFRICA HOLDINGS AND SECURITY CORPORATION WEST AFRICAN RELIEF AGENCY WEST AFRICAN RELIEF AGENCY WEST AFRICAN SECURITY COMPANY West Coast Security Company William and Associates Chambers WILLIAM HUBERT ALIYA amp PARTNERS LEGAL CONSULTANTS Williams amp Associates WILLIAMS OMOSETAN amp ASSOCIATES Williamson amp Williamson WINES INTERNATIONAL LOTTO COMPANY Wisdom amp Assoc. World Lottery Organization WORLD WIDE INTERNATIONAL STAKE LOTTERY NL WORLDLOTTO/INTERNATIONAL SWEEPSTAKES WORLDWIDE PREMIER LOTTO, UK YEAA ZENET INTERNATION BANK OF NIGERIAN Zenith Bank International. Plc Zenith Commercial Bank Nigeria Plc Zenith international Financial Security Co ZINOS OIL ZURICH DRUG LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY, SWITZERLAND The following table is courtesy of: You can also go to centralbankbahamas/ and view their Cumulative Warnings List Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 24/07/2007 - 05:12. SCAM ARTISTS NAMES: mozart chekwas iwola Socit Gnrale Bank Bnin DIEUDONNE AMOUSSOU - RECEIVER NAME: LLOYD EJEMOLE - ADDRESS: AVENUE CLOZEL, 01 BP 585,COTONOU - BENIN REPUBLIC - TEST QUESTION: TRANSFER NUMBER - ANSWER: 50911 SOCIT GNRALE DE BANQUES AU BNIN SIEGE ET AGENCE PRINCIPALE AVENUE CLOZEL, 01 BP 585, COTONOU - BENIN REPUBLIC. TEL: 00229 93 43 98 02 FAX: 00229 95 56 00 04 WE ACKNOWLEDGED RECEIPT OF YOUR EMAIL.. WE CONFIRM THAT WE HAVE ALREADY PROCESSED AND APPROVED YOUR PAYMENT USD106,700.00 FOR IMMEDIATE TRANSFER INTO YOUR ACCOUNT UPON RECEIPT OF THE PROCESSION AND TRANSFER HANDLING CHARGE CORRESPONDING TO YOUR PAYMENT TRANSFER. THEREFORE, YOU ARE ADVICED TO SEND THE REQUIRED CHARGE STRICTLY BY WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER ALSO FIND BELOW DETAILS INFORMATION FOR MAKING THE TRANSFER AT WESTERN UNION AGENT IN YOUR LOCATION: - RECEIVER NAME: LLOYD EJEMOLE - ADDRESS: AVENUE CLOZEL, 01 BP 585,COTONOU - BENIN REPUBLIC - TEST QUESTION: TRANSFER NUMBER - ANSWER: 50911 THEN AFTER MAKING THE TRANSFER, YOU SHOULD EMAIL US THE WESTERN UNION DETAILS TRANSFER COPY IMMEDIATELY YOU TRANSFER THE FEE, WHILE UPON OUR RECEIPT OF THE FEE WE WILL TRANSFER YOUR PAYMENT PROMPTLY AND FAX YOU THE PAYMENT TRANSFER SLIP FOR YOUR REFERENCE, WHICH WE GUARANTEE YOU WILL RECEIVE WITHIN 3 - 4 WORKING DAYS. WE REMAIN AT YOUR DISPOSAL AND ANTICIPATING TO RECEIVING YOUR PROMPT RESPONSE. YOURS FAITHFULLY, DIEUDONNE AMOUSSOU (BILLS / FOREIGN PAYMENT REMITTANCE DEPT.) CC: LLOYD EJEMOLE / SGBB ACCOUNTANT Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 29/06/2007 - 06:06. Then it probably is. Anytime some one you have never heard of offers money to you in exchange for your information, Delete it. Dont read it. Dont give it a second thought because no one is going to give you millions of dollars as an inheritance or because you won a lottery you never entered. The people that send these emails are poor and lazy. Their country is in turmoil and they will try anything to make easy monetary gains. Please, let them rot. IF you want to give money away, give it to a church or donate to a youth organization, or buy a bum a sandwich, but quit wasting your time on e-mail scammers. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 22/05/2007 - 18:04. We received notification of award from Yahoo Lottery Inc for the introduction and launching of the new Yahoo Beta Mail and we were only one of the 3 winners out of several millions of subscribers to Yahoo But our area was shifted to Africa for claim because 2 winners were in Africa However, i noticed that at the end of the whole essay and sales talk to send in our personal info it had a statement Reply Delete. I became suspicious. However, I responded to Agent Tony Douglas as instructed with cc to YahooYahoo which was the address of sender. Expectedly it came back unsent due to invalid address of Yahoo If this is not a scam, what is And the gall to use Yahoo address, very clever. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 15/05/2007 - 07:04. This is the email I received from Mr. Frank Morgan, that further told me to contact his Trust Lawyer James Tan, that works for the AZIAN amp CO. SOLICITORS amp ADVOCATES, in Malaysia. My name is Dr. Frank Morgan. I trained and work as an external auditor for the HSBC BANK OF LONDON UK. I have taken pains to find your contact through personal endeavors because a late investor Mr. Martin VASQUEZ. who bears the same last name with you has left monies totaling a little over 10 million United States Dollars with Our Bank for the past twelve years and no next of kin has come forward all these years. Banking regulation legislation in London demand that I notify the fiscal authorities after a statutory time period of twelve years when dormant accounts of this type are called in by the monetary regulatory bodies. The above set of facts underscores my reason of writing. I am of the settled conviction that using my insider leverage, working with you, since you have the same last Name with the Late Investor, we can secure the funds in the account for us instead of allowing it pass as unclaimed funds into the coffers of the Government of London. This exactly is why I crave your participation and cooperation. I have seized all relevant information (legal and Banking) that will facilitate our putting you forward as the claimant/beneficiary of the funds and ultimately transfer the money to any account nominated by you. Be assured that I and my colleagues are on top of the situation all the time and there will be no risk. Needless to say, Uttermost CONFIDENTIALITY is of vital importance if we are to successfully reap the immense benefits of this transaction. I have intentionally left out the finer details for now until I hear from you. To affirm your willingness and cooperation to my proposal please do so by email, stating your full names, date of birth, telephone number and fax number or email. I do expect your prompt response. please do reply through my alternative email at. (franmorgan1yahoo ) We exchanged some emails, and as far as we got, he asked me to contact his partner, in Malaysia This is to inform you that My client had contacted me to provide you with every relevant documents related to sum amount of 10,000,000 Deposited under the name of (Late Mr. Martin Vasquez) and your mother as the bonafide beneficiary/next of kin. Sequel to the above, you are therefore requested to supply us with the following information to enable us prepare a memorandum of understanding and affidavit of claim to empower you to make the claim of the fund. 1) Your name (as in your IC or International Passport) 2) Your IC or Passport number 3) Your nationality and current contact address 4) Your Occupation 5) Your position (in relation to occupation) 6) Your fax and telephone numbers (please indicate if mobile phone) Please do reply urgently. Your maximum cooperation to this effect is highly recommended. So, now what I want is a ay to pay back, this must be the same mother fucker of some of the storys I readed here and I really want to give him a lesson. Im doing what I can here to find all the information about them. So I ask for your colaboration, to send me all that you have from this person, that probably had used different names in previous fraudes, but the story cant be so diferent from this. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 05/05/2007 - 22:50. Good day, How are you today I am writing to inform you that I have Paid the fee for your Cheque Draft. And I went to the bank to confirm if the Cheque has expired or getting near to expire and Mr. Ahmed Zafa the Director of Financial Trust Bank told me that before the cheque will get to your hand that it will expire. So I told him to cash the 800.000 UNITED STATES DOLLARS to cash payment to avoid losting this funds. However, all the necessary arrangement of delivering the 800.000.000 UNITED STATES DOLLARS in cash was made with GLOBAL TRUST COURIER COMPANY here in Cotonou Benin Republic, Mr. Ahmed Zafa the Director of Financial Trust Bank Cotonou have to package the sum of 800.000 in cash for me. Then he also agreed to help me to Register the Consignment with GLOBAL TRUST COURIER COMPANY. Infact I thank God very much for all the movement I made, every thing goes normally. As for our agreement with the Global Trust Courier company they promised that your consignment will leave this Country on friday this week, But the Director of the GLOBAL TRUST COURIER COMPANY said that they need your contacts informations to able them meet up with you immediately the Diplomat Agent arrived to your Country. Please write a letter of application to the given address below. ATTN: DR. JIMSON CHIKA TEl: 229-93 85 99 01 Please, Send them your contacts information to able them locate you immediately they arrived in your country with your BOX. This is what they need from you. 1. YOUR FULL NAME 2.YOUR HOME ADDRESS. 3.YOUR CURRENT HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER. 4.YOUR CURRENT OFFICE TELEPHONE. 5.A COPY OF YOUR PICTURE Please make sure you send this needed infos to the Director general of Global Trust Courier Company Dr. Jimson Chika with the address given to you. Note. The Global Trust courier company dont know the contents of the Box. I registered it as a BOX of an Africa cloths. They dont know it contents money. this is to avoid them delaying with the BOX. dont let them know that is money that is in that Box. and i snap Mr. Ahmed Zafa the Director of Financial Trust Bank when he was packaging the money into the Box view the attachment to see a copy of the Box. I am waiting for your urgent response. You can even call the Director of Global Trust Courier company with this line:229-93 85 99 01 Thanks and Remain Blessed. Mr. FRED WILLIAMS AFTER THIS YOU GET THIS EMAIL WE HAVE RECEIVED YOUR REPLY IN RESPECT OF YOUR PACKAGE BOX THAT WAS DEPOSITED HERE. HOWEVER, YOU ARE ADVISE TO SEND US OUR KEEPING FEES FOR SECURITY COMPANY WHICH IS 185.00. AS SOON AS WE CONFIRM THE PAYMENT OF 185.00 AND YOUR DELIVERING ADDRESS WE WILL MAKE SURE WE SEND THE BOX TO YOUR NOMINATED ADDRESS. YOUR OFFICIAL KEEPING PACKAGE IS: 120.00 COVERAGE PAPERS :65.00 BEAR IT IN MIND THAT WITHOUT OUR KEEPING BOX THIS PIN AND TAC WILL NOT GIVE TO YOU AND I THINK WE HAVE TRIED ENOUGH FOR YOU TO COMPLY OVER THIS ISSUE. SO SEND US THE MONEY IMMEDIATELY TO ENABLE OUR DIPLOMATIC AGENT LOCATE YOUR ADDRESS WITHIN 24HRS TO 48HRS AND DELIVER YOUR CONSIGNMENT TO YOUR DOOR STEP ON MONDAY MORNING OR IT WILL DIVERT TO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TREASURY. I WILL GIVE YOU NAME OF THE PROTOCAL OFFICER FOR THE WESTERN UNION WHEN YOU ARE READY TO MAKE THE PAYMENT. WE ARE WAITING FOR YOUR URGENT RESPONSE. YOURS FAITHFULLY. JIMSON CHIKA DIRECTOR GENERAL GLOBAL TRUST COURIER COMPANY COTONOU BENIN REPUBLIC CALL TELPHONE 229 93 85 99 01 IF YOU SEND THE ABOVE REQUESTED MONEY, YOU GET THE NEXT EMAIL THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT WE HAVE RECIEVED THE FEE FOR THE DELIVERING OF YOUR PACKAGE BOX, AFTER WE HAVE RECIEVED THE MONEY FOR THE DELIVERING FEE THIS EVENING WE WENT STRIAGHT TO ATTACH YOUR PACKAGE TO BE COURIERED TO YOU. BUT SURPRISINGLY, AS I WAS THERE TO SEND THE PACKAGE TO YOU AS PROMISED THIS EVENING, WE FOUND OUT THAT YOUR PACKAGE BOX DID NOT INSURED AND IT IS MUST THAT YOUR PACKAGE WILL BE INSURED AS IT IS A MUCH VALUED BOX. I WAS TRYING TO PERSUADE THE OFFICIALS AND THEY INSISTED THAT IT MUST BE INSURED. THE FINAL CONCLUSION IS THAT THE INSURANCE COVRAGE FEE IS USD450 ACCORDING TO THE DIRECTOR OF THIS GREAT COMPANY TO REFUND BACK THE 50 ON YOUR CONFIRMATION OF RECEIVING THE PACKAGE BOX, AS A MATTER OF URGENCY BECUASE I COULD NOT MET UP TODAY TO GET INTOUCH WITH YOU, YOU CAN SEND THE MONEY NOW NOW AS YOU DID THE DELIVERY FEE TO ENABLE ME DESPATCH THE PACKAGE TO YOUR RECEIVERING ADDRESS IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT DELAY. WE SHALL FORWARD THE TRACKING NUMBER TO YOU AS SOON AS WE SEND YOUR PACKAGE BOX. I AM URGENT WAITING FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE PAYMENT TO GO BACK TO THE OFFICE INORDER TO SHIP THE PACKAGE TODAY TODAY TO YOUR DOORSTEP. PLEASE THE INSURANCE DEPOSIT NEEDS AS URGENT AS YOU READ THIS MESSAGE BECAUSE IT IS ONLY HOLDING EVERYTHING NOW. THEY SAID THAT IMMEDIATELY THE INSURANCE DEPOSIT IS READY, YOUR PACKAGE WILL MOVE TO BE DELIVERY TO YOU IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT ANY LIEN/INCOMBRENCY. SO DO FAST TO HELP ME MEET UP TODAY OK. ONCE AGAIN TRY AND FILL THIS OUR DELIVERING FORM ASAP IN RETURN WITH THE FEE FOR THE INSURANCE COVRAGE. Contact us via telephone if any question 229 97 24 11 89 TRANS SECURITY SARL (T. S.S) ZONE DE AMBASSADES COT6 B. P 60-2224 COTONOUN BENIN REPUNLIC (English Version) DELIVERY FORM COTONOU/DATE 1) FULL NAME. 2) ADDRESS. 3) CITY. 4) STATE. ZIP. 5) TELEPHONE NUMBER. 6) MOBILE. 7) PASS-PORT/ID NO. 8) AGE. 9) ARTICLE. 10) SECURITY CODE. 11) CERTIFICATE DEPOSIT NO. The Beneficiary whose security code and particulars are stated here has complied with the necessary Act herein as governing rules and regulations of (TSS) SECURITY CODE. Below the information to send the fee as you know time is not our friend. FIRST NAME: ATELI SURNAME: MICHEAL ADDRESS/LOCATION:St Rita Pk10 Cotonou Benin Republic CITY:COTONOU As soon as the payment is made you are to send the following information via email as they appear on the western union transfer slip, you may as well scan and send as an e mail attachment: 1.Name of the sender 2.Amount sent 3.Control number(MTCN) 4.Test question and answer if any Mr Jimson Chika Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer IF YOU REFUSE TO SEND THE 450, YOU WILL BE PLEGED WITH MANY VERY UGLY PHONE CALLS YOU WILL ALSO GET MANY VERY UGLY EMAILS, DEMANDING THE MONEY FOR THE INSURANCE Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 29/04/2007 - 20:20. Have received email from Durwin Harrison, from Global Insurance company of Nigeria, 12 - 16 Child Avenue, Apapa Lagos - Nigeria phone 234 802 355 2366 wishing to send me a cheque of 850,000 US, but i need to send courier amp insurance costs of 230 usd in order for this transfer to be completed. I believe this to be a scam amp wish to know if anyone else had some similar correspondence Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 20/04/2007 - 01:24. I AM BARRISTER SMITH J. WILLIAMS, A SOLICITOR AT LAW. I WAS THE PERSONAL AND FAMILY LAWYER TO LATE ENGR. PATRICK A. THIVENER, A NATIONAL OF YOUR COUNTRY, WHO USED TO WORK WITH CHEVRON OIL COMPANY AS A MAJOR CONTRACTOR/OIL MERCHANT HERE IN NIGERIA HERE-IN-AFTER, REFERRED TO AS MY CLIENT. ON SUNDAY, 27TH OF JANUARY 2002, MY CLIENT, HIS WIFE LADY ANNA AND THEIR THREE CHILDREN AND JAMES WERE INVOLVED IN TERRIBLE BOMB BLAST THAT TOOK THEIR LIVES AND THE LIVES OF OTHER INNOCENT SOULS. ABOUT 1,000 PEOPLE LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE BOMB BLAST. JUST TAKE A LOOK AT THIS WEB PAGE, news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/africa/2698081.stm , YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. SINCE THEN I HAVE MADE SEVERAL ENQUIRIES TO YOUR EMBASSY TO LOCATE ANY OF MY LATE CLIENTS EXTENDED RELATIVES. THIS HAD BEEN AN EFFORT IN FUTILITY. AFTER SEVERAL UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS, I DECIDED TO SEARCH HIS LAST NAME IN THE INTERNET IN ORDER TO LOCATE ANY MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY. IT WAS IN THIS PROCESS THAT I GOT YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS. I HAVE THEREFORE DECIDED TO CONTACT YOU TO ASSIST ME IN CLAIMING AND RETRIEVING THE FUND LEFT BEHIND BY MY CLIENT BEFORE IT IS CONFISCATED OR DECLARED UNSERVICEABLE BY THE BANK WHERE IT IS LODGED. THE BANK WHERE MY LATE CLIENT HAD AN ACCOUNT WITH A DEPOSIT OF US18.5 MILLION DOLLARS HAS SENT ME A LETTER OF NOTICE TO PROVIDE THE NEXT-OF - KIN OR HAVE THE ACCOUNT FROZEN. IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT I HAVE BEEN UNSUCCESSFUL IN LOCATING HIS RELATIVES FOR THE PAST TWO (2) YEARS, NOW SEEK YOUR CONSENT TO PRESENT YOU AS THE NEXT OF KIN OF MY LATE CLIENT SINCE YOU HAVE THE SAME LAST NAME, SO THAT THE FUND IN THIS ACCOUNT VALUED AT US18.5 MILLION DOLLARS CAN BE PAID TO YOU. THEREAFTER, YOU AND I WILL SHARE THE MONEY 60 TO ME AND 40 TO YOU. I WILL PROCESS LEGAL DOCUMENTS THAT WILL BE USED TO BACK UP OUR CLAIMS. ALL I REQUIRE IS YOUR HONEST COOPERATION TO ENABLE US EXECUTE THIS DEAL. I GUARANTEE THAT THIS WILL BE EXECUTED UNDER A LEGITIMATE ARRANGEMENT THAT WILL PROTECT YOU FROM ANY BREACH OF THE LAW. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH ME TO INDICATE YOUR INTEREST TO EXECUTE THIS PROJECT SUCCESSFULLY WITH ME. BARR. SMITH J. WILLIAMS. PRINCIPAL ATTORNEY WILLIAMS SMITH amp ASSOCIATES PLOT 335 QUEENS DRIVE VICTORIA ISLAND LAGOS NIGERIA. TEL:234-802-606-9171 Mr. Williams Im sorry but your story does not add up and you give me a phone number thats not working and you want me to lie about knowing a dead person that has the same last name that I have so you can take 60 of there money. This sounds like a scam to get my my info, come on using a number like 18.5 mill is a little high your going to have to do better then that i need more prof then what your giving me that this is not a scam. Thanks for your response to my mail. Nevertheless, I quite appreciate your concern and willingness in working with me to achieve this transaction. Note, your name or husbands name is acceptable for the claim Meanwhile, I am of the opinion that you go through this web page news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/africa/2698081.stm to verify this incident hence you are in doubt. However, I am obliged to inform you that the reality and legitimacy of this transaction is not questionable in as much as due legal process will take place to ensure proper authentication of your claim as the beneficiary next of kin to the late person. Therefore, you dont have to worry over the legality of this transaction. To assure you further on this transaction, I hereby attach a copy of my Call To Bar Certificate, International passport and a Notification letter from Hillcrest Securities amp Vault Company for your records Note, before we get this transaction started, I will need your mailing address telephone/fax number and a copy of your International passport/Drivers license that will enable me apply for the claim on your behalf hence, measures will be taken to ensure a successful release of the fund to you. Base on that, I have a lot of work to do here to see that those Senior Officers in charge of the payment processing will be settled in order to have a smooth release of the fund to you. On receipt of your info, this transaction will take us twelve (12) working days to obtain all the necessary legal documents to authenticate your claim as the beneficiary next of kin to late Engr. Patrick A Thivener(My Client). Nevertheless, I will keep you updated as we progress. For further discussion, you advised to call me on my private telephone number 234-802-606-9171 or 234-805-366-2520 for more directives. Meanwhile, we sorry that our number of 234-802-606-9171 is faulty and will be rectified tomorrow Thanks for your anticipated cooperation. Barr. Smith J. Williams Thanks for your response to my mail. Nevertheless, I quite appreciate your concern and willingness in working with me to achieve this transaction. Note, your name or husbands name is acceptable for the claim Meanwhile, I am of the opinion that you go through this web page news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/africa/2698081.stm to verify this incident hence you are in doubt. However, I am obliged to inform you that the reality and legitimacy of this transaction is not questionable in as much as due legal process will take place to ensure proper authentication of your claim as the beneficiary next of kin to the late person. Therefore, you dont have to worry over the legality of this transaction. To assure you further on this transaction, I hereby attach a copy of my Call To Bar Certificate, International passport and a Notification letter from Hillcrest Securities amp Vault Company for your records Note, before we get this transaction started, I will need your mailing address telephone/fax number and a copy of your International passport/Drivers license that will enable me apply for the claim on your behalf hence, measures will be taken to ensure a successful release of the fund to you. Base on that, I have a lot of work to do here to see that those Senior Officers in charge of the payment processing will be settled in order to have a smooth release of the fund to you. On receipt of your info, this transaction will take us twelve (12) working days to obtain all the necessary legal documents to authenticate your claim as the beneficiary next of kin to late Engr. Patrick A Thivener(My Client). Nevertheless, I will keep you updated as we progress. For further discussion, you advised to call me on my private telephone number 234-802-606-9171 or 234-805-366-2520 for more directives. Meanwhile, we sorry that our number of 234-802-606-9171 is faulty and will be rectified tomorrow Thanks for your anticipated cooperation. Barr. Smith J. Williams ctbcwilliamssmithjones. jpg (30k) View NOTIFICATIONLETTER. jpg (64k) passportwilliamssmith. jpg (32k) Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 20/04/2007 - 01:13. I AM BARRISTER SMITH J. WILLIAMS, A SOLICITOR AT LAW. I WAS THE PERSONAL AND FAMILY LAWYER TO LATE ENGR. PATRICK A. THIVENER, A NATIONAL OF YOUR COUNTRY, WHO USED TO WORK WITH CHEVRON OIL COMPANY AS A MAJOR CONTRACTOR/OIL MERCHANT HERE IN NIGERIA HERE-IN-AFTER, REFERRED TO AS MY CLIENT. ON SUNDAY, 27TH OF JANUARY 2002, MY CLIENT, HIS WIFE LADY ANNA AND THEIR THREE CHILDREN AND JAMES WERE INVOLVED IN TERRIBLE BOMB BLAST THAT TOOK THEIR LIVES AND THE LIVES OF OTHER INNOCENT SOULS. ABOUT 1,000 PEOPLE LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE BOMB BLAST. JUST TAKE A LOOK AT THIS WEB PAGE, news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/africa/2698081.stm , YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. SINCE THEN I HAVE MADE SEVERAL ENQUIRIES TO YOUR EMBASSY TO LOCATE ANY OF MY LATE CLIENTS EXTENDED RELATIVES. THIS HAD BEEN AN EFFORT IN FUTILITY. AFTER SEVERAL UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS, I DECIDED TO SEARCH HIS LAST NAME IN THE INTERNET IN ORDER TO LOCATE ANY MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY. IT WAS IN THIS PROCESS THAT I GOT YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS. I HAVE THEREFORE DECIDED TO CONTACT YOU TO ASSIST ME IN CLAIMING AND RETRIEVING THE FUND LEFT BEHIND BY MY CLIENT BEFORE IT IS CONFISCATED OR DECLARED UNSERVICEABLE BY THE BANK WHERE IT IS LODGED. THE BANK WHERE MY LATE CLIENT HAD AN ACCOUNT WITH A DEPOSIT OF US18.5 MILLION DOLLARS HAS SENT ME A LETTER OF NOTICE TO PROVIDE THE NEXT-OF - KIN OR HAVE THE ACCOUNT FROZEN. IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT I HAVE BEEN UNSUCCESSFUL IN LOCATING HIS RELATIVES FOR THE PAST TWO (2) YEARS, NOW SEEK YOUR CONSENT TO PRESENT YOU AS THE NEXT OF KIN OF MY LATE CLIENT SINCE YOU HAVE THE SAME LAST NAME, SO THAT THE FUND IN THIS ACCOUNT VALUED AT US18.5 MILLION DOLLARS CAN BE PAID TO YOU. THEREAFTER, YOU AND I WILL SHARE THE MONEY 60 TO ME AND 40 TO YOU. I WILL PROCESS LEGAL DOCUMENTS THAT WILL BE USED TO BACK UP OUR CLAIMS. ALL I REQUIRE IS YOUR HONEST COOPERATION TO ENABLE US EXECUTE THIS DEAL. I GUARANTEE THAT THIS WILL BE EXECUTED UNDER A LEGITIMATE ARRANGEMENT THAT WILL PROTECT YOU FROM ANY BREACH OF THE LAW. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH ME TO INDICATE YOUR INTEREST TO EXECUTE THIS PROJECT SUCCESSFULLY WITH ME. BARR. SMITH J. WILLIAMS. PRINCIPAL ATTORNEY WILLIAMS SMITH amp ASSOCIATES PLOT 335 QUEENS DRIVE VICTORIA ISLAND LAGOS NIGERIA. TEL:234-802-606-9171 Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 19/04/2007 - 21:43. Dear frinds just be carefull I have no idea whatsoever going on in this world. I posted a marreige ad on one of matrimonial web site for my elder brother back home n stated looking for muslim girl living in canada n all of sudden this laday who sent me her picture too in third email shes is going to hand me over 10.5 Mil USD. Now after couple of email when she sent me security companys detail now till then ive been trying to contact on a given nuber but no response. Im very thankfull to pepole for this web site who really saved my life hey I couldnt sleep for last 2 days. She was insisting me to spend all money in a good cause. I mean that is unexpected and unaccepted. Gotta get up for this internet money scam. May Allah show them straight path Aameen Allah o Akber Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 19/04/2007 - 18:32. Getting funds out of Africa ia aways rather difficuly Sending funds through the banking circuit requires a lot of stamps and authorisations and costs of up to 2.7 of the contract value. Also a bycoming nusence in the World bank and IMF look into the issues. Normally however one becomes member before goods are deposited. with us Also often membership is part of the contract agreement with the paymaster. A paymaster may choose to transport funds through us if he doe not want money to be tracked. The application fees are often intergrated into the contract agreement. Indeed if the paymaster has not taken care of the application the contractor can do so. He will be asked to fill out the application form and fax it back to us. Also He will be asked to send a high resolution scanned copy of his passport as well as a recent picture of himself by e mail. This picture will be scanned into the Tally. One canapply for the Golden Tally in different ways. as owner or as trader. The Tallies come in three different values GT I, GT II, GT III The GT I allows you to turn over within a time span of two years the amount of 250 millions Dollars. All services such as transport. defacing, refacing can be charge to your card and will bedebited from your amount which you have with the Organisation. The organisation does not charge anything for safe keeping but also does bot pay any interests. If you remove money from the vaults of the Organisation 1 percent over the value taken out will be debited to your account. Your Tally can br used as a debit card in ATM machines all over the world. to the limit you have agreed with customer service. The application fees for GT I are 250,000 euros. The GT II allows you to turnover up to 500 million its application fees are 350.000 euros and GT III gives you an unlimited turnover, its fees are 500,000 euros. Of course Tallies can be upgrade at any time. f You go for application: After receiving your application form by fax anf your PP and picture by e mail, they will be submitted. HQ will then issue a file no. and will allocate a bank to which the application fee have to be paid. ( the application form recived by e mail is not legally accepted ) Upon receipt of the application fees your Tally will be processed and the consignments available will be processed in it. If the ammount is just partial of the capacity of the Tally the balance capacity can be used for future consignments. The processing of the tally will take up to 5-7 working days. When your Tally is ready, you will be invited to come to Geneva for acceptance of the same, or you can ask a protocal officer to deliver the Tally to any place you desire. Together with the tally you will receive some Cds with software which will enable you to send us encrypted messages for your orders and transfers. Upon receipt of the Tally you will have to sign for recipt. The Tally will then be activated within 24 hours. From that time on you can use the Tally as a Debit card in any ATM machine. All will be explained to you in due order. Goods can also be processed for out siders. This way a processing fee of 0.6 of the face value has to be paid before the processing and after the funds have been remitted into you bank account(s) you will be asked to pay us a 0.2 This option is however only interesting up to a certain amount. Trusting to have informed you according I remain. Another one and our talks Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/04/2007 - 02:36. Greetings to you, I received your email and I wish to thank you immensely for your response. I hope this will turn out be a long and lasting business relationship together. This transaction is 100 safe and legal as youll get to see as we go along, all procedures leading to the transfer of the funds to your local account or through our correspondent bank has to be secured with strict adherence to statutory provision of the law. As soon as the machinery to commence is set in motion, all the proof and copies of the documentation shall be sent to you in the course of the transaction and as at when due. Due to the very sensitive nature of this pending transaction, please bear with me if I am being a little vague at this early stage as I am as skeptical as you are with communicating with a total stranger, but please be rest assured that the funds will be backed up with documents stating the origin of the fund and that it being funds for an inheritance going by the documents that will be secured, you will not have anything to worry about. It is a given thing that trusts is earned, it is not given out lightly, however, because of my dire need for a foreign partner in this transaction, I request your assistance to pose/ stand as the next of kin to the beneficiary of the estate of the deceased and all that is contained in the Will as shall be drafted and prepared by a notary public attorney. The WILL and other supporting legal documents shall establish you legally as the next of kin and sole beneficiary and executor of the estate and WILL of the deceased. For this, I urge you to propose a reasonable percentage of the total funds as your share and as an expression of my gratitude for your assistance and partnership, thus encouraging you to guaranty that my share of the funds will be secured and transferred to me as when required. I shall require some information and a brief profile of yourself and upon receipt of the information I shall immediately begin the processes which will lead to the approval and release of the funds to you as the bonafide executor and next of kin of the depositor going by the documents that will be secured. After all the necessary documentation for the funds release are met and satisfied, an approval shall be given by the legal department of my bank for the eventual release of the funds to your nominated local account, or via our accredited correspondent bank. When the funds gets to the correspondent bank and into a account with the bank that you shall be required to open, you can transfer the money to your local account or any other account at your conveniences and transfer a certain percentage of my share of the funds to me through an account that I shall give to you at that time. Please note also that the funds can be transferred to your local account if we meet the requirement for the direct transfer. I shall equally require your assistance in advising me on good investment opportunities in your country as I might invest the remaining part of my share of the funds in your country for the obvious security reason that might be breached if we come to back to my country with my share of the funds. It is my hope that the funds can be transferred into your account within ten (10) banking days from the date you provide me with the information that I need to prepare the documents, but for now, I need to ascertain your ability to control and safe guard a large sum of money and guarantee that I shall get my share of the funds from you as soon as you receive the money in your account, I need to following from you: Your full name and address A brief profile of yourself: Confidential Phone/fax no: Age: Profession: I might be able to contact you via telephone and once I clarify your willingness and ability to proceed with the transaction, I shall immediately give more insight as to what is expected of you for this transaction to come true. You may send me an e-mail with further information about yourself so that I can provide you with the rest details for us to proceed further. Should you decide not to render this assistance, it will be taken in good faith as this will enable me source for another person in the event of non-interest on your part. I received this Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/04/2007 - 02:33. WARM GREETINGS. My greetings to you and your lovely family This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility. My name is Amina Abdulkarim from libya. i was married to late osman abdulkarim of blessed memory who is an oil explorer in libya and kuwait for twelve years before he died in the year 2000. we were married for twelve years without a child. he died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. since his death i too have been battling with both cancer and fibroid problems. when my late husband was alive he deposited a substancial amount of money in millions of dollars with a deposit company oversea. recently, my doctor warm greetingstold me that i have only six months to live due to cancer problem. though what disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. having known my condition i decided to donate this fund to either a charity orphanage home or devoted god fearing individual that will utilize this money the way i am going to instruct herein. i want this organization or individual to use this money in all sincerity to fund charity homes (motherless homes), orphanages, and widows. i took this decision because i dont have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are into radical organisation and i dont want a situation where this money will be used in an unholy manner. hence the reasons for this bold decision. please, pray for me to recover as your paryers will go a long way in uplifting my spirit. i dont need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health, because of the presence of my husbands relatives around me always. i dont want them to know about this development. as soon as i receive your reply on email, shall give you further directives on what to do and how to go about actualising this project. i will also issue a letter of authority to the deposit companyauthorizing them that the said fund have being willed to you and a copy of such authorization will be forwarded to you. i want you to always pray for me. any delay in your reply will give room in sourcing for an organization or a devoted individual for this same purpose. until i hear from you by email my dreams will rest squarely on your shoulders. remain blessed. MRS. AMINA ABDULKARIM Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 17/04/2007 - 19:32. I received an almost identical mail Down to the four day illness and the lack of a child I was sceptical at first, but being the stupid fool I am I felt sorry for this poor woman, who seemed to be Christian, and just wanted to help her I cant believe I fell for this. How can people do this How can they proclaim to be Christian and do such things to people I could see a place of hope for abandoned children, bearing her name The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that she will get what is coming to her, she will pay for doing this and using the Lords name to perpetrate illegal, criminal activities Just to warn others, Her name is apparantly Mrs Gloria Pereaz from the Phillipenes and the company where the trunk box is held is called Eagle Vault Courrier Company. I received a copy of her passport and a certificate of deposit and communication from the company. All very official looking, but an absolute hoax Be warned Submitted by Nani (not verified) on Wed, 16/05/2007 - 13:22. I received some messages from Mrs Gloria Emmanuel Pelaez A complete citizen of Philippines, she is a christian woman, who was married and her husband died and left her an heritance of 9.000.000 dollars, she had a cancer of hearth, so she was going to die. She asked me for be heritate this money and spend it with poor people while me and my church pray for her. I believe she has a real ilness, but not of hearth, i think that kind of people is really sick of head. Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/04/2007 - 12:17. Once received an email from UK Lottery..Knew it was a scam. and the address is the courier company supposed to deliver the funds UNIT 63,EVENS BUSINESS CENTER, BELGRAVE STREET, BELLSHILL IND EST BELLSHILL, ML4 3NP INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY DEPARTMENT ATTN: Anonymous From your first mail you told us to upgrade your delivery option to GOLD DELIVERY after which we gave you the procedure on how to make the balance payment of 400 POUNDS. Latter you wrote back to us and started insulting our dignity it is very obvious that you are an adult with a child mentality. You really make us laugh. How could such a mail or better still, explanation on the UK lottery site which ordinarily is meant to educate, now become the reasons why you think you have been swindled as you stated in your mail. Infact you must be a clown to have put yourself in this position, sorry to say this. We are embarrassed at such a silly attitude of yours because your fund is right here with our company fully ready to be delivered to you. We are so disappointed in you, because you most have been deceived by someone else that does not want your progress in life. Since it has come to this extend. Therefore following from the above, there are two options before you. 1) You are to commence the payment for the balance 400 POUNDS for the Upgrading Option you have choosing immediately without any further delay to enable us complete this whole process of delivery your funds to you Or we proceed with your first option for the delivery. 2) FILL IN THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER FORM BELOW: We want you to fill in the attached disclaimer form to this mail and get back to us. Mr. Jefferson Peters Dispatch Agent Acorn Express Courier LTD UNIT 63,EVENS BUSINESS CENTER, BELGRAVE STREET, BELLSHILL IND EST BELLSHILL, ML4 3NP INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY DEPARTMENT ATTN: In the process of transferring your funds, the United Nations anti-financial terrorism council freezed your funds for proper investigations. An aim towards disabling terrorist financing In view of this you will require an attorney of law whom has been provided by us. His function will be to check your criminal records after which he will file claims to the United Nations anti - financial terrorism council for fast release of your funds to you. Therefore contact him as soon as possible with this e-mail address Email: thomasbailylawyahoo. co. uk Speedy adherence to this process will enable quick measures for your funds to be released and transferred to you. Attached to this e-mail is a message from the United Nations titled: Blocking terrorist financing: A fundamental tool. Copies of these have been sent to the lawyer so we do advise you to fully cooperate with him. if you have any questions feel free to contact us or your fiduciary Agent. Mr. Jefferson Peters Dispatch Agent Acorn Express Courier L. T.D Blocking Terrorist Financing: A Fundamental Tool. the UN efforts to shut down financing to terrorists and terrorist organizations are longstanding and cummulative. They began in 1999 with the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 1267 placing sanctions on the Taliban, and continued in 2000 with the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 1333 placing sanctions on Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida. They accelerated after the horrendous events of September 11th with the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 1373 concerning global terrorism and resolution 1390 refining the Taliban and al-Qaida sanctions. Planning and committing acts of terrorism, especially large-scale terrorist attacks like those of September 11th, require money. The FBI estimates that the September 11th operation cost the terrorists approximately 500,000. Stopping the funding of terrorists and terrorist organizations is a fundamental tool in preventing terrorist acts. That is why the UN Security Council has taken strong action to combat terrorist financing, by imposing far-reaching measures binding on all UN member states against activities that may not already be illegal or criminal in many countries. Shutting down these sources of funding is not easy in an age when money can move in nanoseconds. The United Nations requires its member states to implement Security Council resolutions -- to do the investigative work, to prepare lists of individuals or entities whose assets must be frozen, and to freeze assets under their own domestic laws. This interagency group independently evaluates all relevant information, which may derive from criminal or other investigations, classified sources, as well public sources, in considering whether to designate a specific entity or individual. Each of the agencies, and in particular the Department of Justice, considers whether the information available provides a sufficient legal basis under U. S. law for a possible designation. The United States also works closely with foreign governments and often solicits the views of its embassies and consulates abroad. It is only after this very thorough deliberative process that names are proposed to either the Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary of State, as appropriate, for designation. It is important to note, however, that information linking specific organizations and individuals to the funding of terrorists or terrorist groups may sometimes be highly sensitive. Public disclosure of all of the information supporting a specific designation could reveal sensitive intelligence methods and sources. For that reason, the information cannot always be made public. The United States is also committed to ensuring that designated individuals and entities are entitled to procedural safeguards and a means of recourse. An administrative review procedure is available for those persons who believe that they have been erroneously included on the U. S. assets freeze list. It is in everyones interests to make the system as effective as possible. However, any proposals to reform the system should be consistent with the purpose of shutting down the financing of terrorists and terrorist organizations and should not create unnecessary obstacles to stopping the flow of funds. The campaign to freeze terrorist assets has been very successful thus far. After September 11 2004 and the 7th July 2005 terrorist attacks, more than 104 million was blocked to prevent its use by groups or individuals that have helped fund terrorist organizations. Over 140 countries report taking concrete actions to stop the flow terrorist finance. More importantly, by freezing these accounts, we have worked to plug the pipeline that would have channeled even greater sums to terrorists. Drying up the sources of terrorist funding will not happen without close international cooperation. That is the goal that we should all be trying to achieve. Therefore these council assures you of the safety of your funds and it will be released to you as soon as we get convincing reports from the UK national lottery Lawyers office. The United Nations Office at Geneva. Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Very smart fake website and scammers.. Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/04/2007 - 11:55. My name is Eta Vincent from Ghana i work with the diplomatic security company in Ghana, there is this consignnment in my custody worth 15.5MUSD deposited by one Dr Dan Adams so i want u to stand as the partner to him b4 he died so that u can claim the fund from the security company if u r interested i will give u the full details on how to go about it. i want u to stand as the foreign partner to Late Dr Dan Adams so that u can claim the fund he deposted in the security company here in Ghana i will give u every details on how u can go about it so that u will not make mistake i have ask God for this so i know he will answer my prayers u know in africa every one wants to ude money and transfer abroad so that their partner can help them inviest it so that their country will not probe them but i want u to promise me this that when this trunk box is deliver to u, u will send for me there wil be no dissappointment from u so without somebody coming for it outside the fund will not be released to anyone thatis why i contacted u this documents was issued to Late Dr Dan Adams by the security company that when the partner is coming for the claim he or she should provide it before anything can be done so give me ur private email address so that i can send u the documents now then we proceed u will send them mail let them know u are the foreign pa rtner to Late Dr Dan Adams before he died so u want to claim the fund he deposited in the ir custody so u want them to tell u what to do so that this consignments is deliver to ur door step in ur country and send them the documents i sent u to identify u are the beneficairy to the fund infodiplomaticsecyahoo. co. uk Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/04/2007 - 10:46. Good day, I am writing this letter in confidence believing that if it is the wish of God for you to help me and my family, you will be rescuing a family that is in a state of disarray and God Almighty will bless and reward you abundantly. I am a female student from University of Lagos, Nigeria. I am 22 years old. I would like to meet anyone who can be caring, loving and home oriented. I will love to have a long-term relationship with you and to know more about you. I would like to build up a solid foundation with you in time coming if you can be able to help me in this transaction. Well, my father died earlier two months ago and left my mum, I and my younger brother behind. He was a king of a community very rich in crude oil, which our town citizens titled him over sixteen years before his death. I was a princess to him and I am the only person who can take care of his wealth now because my younger brother is still young and my mother is not literate enough to know all my father left behind. He left the sum of USD27,350,000.00 dollars (Twenty seven Million, Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollars)in a Finance company. This money was annually paid into my late fathers account from Shell petroleum development company(spdc) and Chevron oil company operating in our locality. Since my Dad died, we have been deprived of everything he left behind by our uncles, using tradition and culture for an excuse for thier wicked act, so this has actually motivated me to contact a foreigner to help me invest this money in a place that is beyond my uncles reach, I have discussed this with my mum and my brother and they all liked the idea, I really dont know how and what I will do to invest this money somewhere in your country, so that my fathers kindred will not take over what belongs to my father and our family, which they are planning to do without our consent because I am a female as stated by our culture in the town. I urgently need your humble assistance to move this money from the Finance company to your bank account and I strongly believe that by the grace of God, you will help me invest this money wisely in a profitable venture. I am ready to pay 15 of the total amount to you if you help us in this transaction and another 10 interest of Annual Income to you after the money has been invested, which you will strongly have absolute control over. If you can handle this project sincerely and also willing to assist me in lifting this fund, kindly reach me. Please, note that this transaction is 100 risk free and I hope to commence the transaction as quick as possible. Yours sincerely, Princess For the family. Quieres viajar a buen precio Te lo ponemos fcil. Entra y descbrelo Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/04/2007 - 09:54. Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 08/04/2007 - 15:12. Thank you very much for the reply that you sent to me and Im very happy with that, As I told you that my late father deposited a Fund here in a security company in Ghana call Royal And Diplomatic Security Company, All that Im looking for now is to get a man who is honest, understanding, caring and loving so that I can transfer this fund in his country so that we can invest it there his country but I can see that you are the right person I have to do this with. I want to also let you know that the content in the box no one know anything about not even the Directors of the Company they only that I have a fund deposited in their company but they dont really know what is in the box and for that reason I dont want you to mention this to any other person but it should be a secret between me and you. In the box include 16m and 250kg of pure Gold which is lot of money and the reason why I want to transfer all these things to you is that in Ghana here there is lot of corruption here and Im afraid that all these things will be stolen from me that is the reason why I want to transfer this these things to you so that we can later invest it. But now how to go about this so that w can claim this fund is very simple if only you can be honest and understanding to me and follow whatever I tells you then we will not have any difficulties in claiming this fund. Firstly, I will like you to contact the Head of Logistics of the Security Company and ask him whether still have any fund deposited in their Company by my Fathers (Mr. Martin Djeton) and (Elizabeth Djeton) as the next of Kin. And also when the fund was deposited there it was named as (Family Tagged Valuable),I believe that if you give the information this way the Head of Logistic, Mr. Mark Mills will be able identify the kind of box you are talking about because the Company is one of the biggest company in the country and lot of people deposit their funds so if you dont give the information this way he can not identify the kind of the box you are talking about ok. So I will like you to contact Mr. Mark Mills on his direct number: (233-249-383785) or you can send a email to the Company through this email: (royaldipseclycos ). Let him know that you are my representative as a foreign partner and you want to help me to claim the fund that is deposited in their Company and please dont you let him know what it is in the box. I hope that this is enough information for you to help us to claim the fund and if there is anymore information that you will need you can ask me for that, So I will limit myself and Im waiting to hear from you soon. Best regards, Elizabeth TV dinner still cooling Check out Tonights Picks on Yahoo TV. Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 08/04/2007 - 07:05. there is a bigg froud on christian vibes check it out they go by the name rosebbm DEAR BELOVED IN CHRIST GREETING IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. I AM MRS ROSEMARY BENSON A WOMAN FROM KUWAIT. I AM MARRY TO MR SAMUEL BENSON A CITIZEN OF JAMAICA, WHO IS THE INTERNATIONAL EXPORTER OF COCOA BASED IN ABIDJAN COTE DIVIRE. WE WERE MARRIED FOR FIFTEEN YEARS WITHOUT A CHILD. HE DIED IN DECEMBER 27TH 2005 AFTER THE BRIEF ILLNESS THAT LASTED ONLY TWO WEEKS. BEFORE HIS DEATH WE ARE HAPPY HUSBAND AND WIFE IN CHRISTIAN FAMILY. SINCE HIS DEATH I DECIDED NOT TO REMARRY OR GET A CHILD OUTSIDE MY MATRIMONIAL HOME WHICH THE BIBLE IS AGAINST IT. WHEN MY HUSBAND WAS ALIVE, HE DEPOSITED SUM MONEY IN A PRIVATE SECURITY COMPANY HERE IN ABIDJAN COTEDIVOIRE. RECENTLY MY DOCTOR TOLD ME THAT I HAVE CANDIAC PROBLEM WHICH AFFECTED MY HEART. AND THE MOST IS MY STROKE. AND IT IS QUITE OBVIOUS THAT I WONT LIVE MORE THAN THREE MONTHS ACCORDING TO MY DOCTORS, THIS IS BECAUSE THE CANCER STAGE HAS GOTTEN TO A VERY BAD STAGE. MY LATE HUSBAND WAS VERY WEALTHY AND AFTER HIS DEATH, I INHERITED ALL HIS BUSINESS ACCESS. MY DOCTORS HAS ADVISED ME THAT I MAY NOT LIVE FOR MORE THAN THREE MONTHS. SO, I NOW DECIDED NOW TO DEVIDE THE PART OF THIS WEALTH, TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHURCH IN AFRICA, AMERICA, ASIA, EUROPE. AND HELP OF THE MOTHERLESS BABY AND WIDOWS. I AM WILLING TO DONATE THIS MONEY (USD 4.7) FOUR MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND U. S DOLLARS TO YOU FOR THE USE OF GOD WORK IN YOUR CHURCH AND TO HELP THE WIDOWS IN YOUR COUNTRY. I AM ASKING OF YOUR ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY I FINISHED MY PRAYING AND FASTEN TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST ABOUT THIS MATTER TO CONSULT ME A PERSON WHO WILL NOT BETRAY ME IN THIS ISSUE. AND ACORDING TO THE LEADING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT I HAVE CHOSEN YOU TO HELP ME OUT FROM THIS MATTER IN THIS INSTRUCTION STATED BELOW. (1)I WILL LIKE YOU TO PRMISE ME THAT YOU WILL USE THIS MONEY FOR THE REFUGEEES AND THE WIDOWS. (2)PROMISE ME THAT YOU WILL NOT BETRAY ME AS SOON YOU GET THIS MONEY FROM THE SECURITY COMPANY (3)PROMISE ME THAT YOU WILL NOT DEPART FROM MY INSTRUCTION FOR THE REASON, I AM GIVING YOU THE CONTENT OF THE DEPOSIT IN THE SECURITY COMPANY. THIS IS THE CONTENT OF THE DEPOSIT IN THE SECURITY COMPANY. FIRST CONTENT. MY LATE HUSBAND DECLARED IN THE SECURITY COMPANY THAT THE BOX CONTAIN OUR FAMILY VALUABLE FOR SECURITY REASON. THE SECOND CONTENT. HE SAID THAT NOBODY SHOULD OPEN THIS BOX ACCEPT ME HIS WIFE MRS ROSEMARY BENSON FOR A REASON. MEANWHILE I HAVE NOT TELLING ANY BODY THE CONTENT OF THIS DEPOSIT IN THE SECURITY COMPANY REASON THAT I WANT YOU TO HELP ME OUT ACCORDING TO THE LEADING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR THIS ISSUE. I AM NOT DOING BY MY POWER BUT THE POWER OF THE HOLLY SPIRIT WHO DIRECTED ME TO YOU. PLEASE CONTACT ME HERE (rosem11ciaoweb. it ) MAY THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS THE LOVE OF GOD AND THE FELLOWSHIP OF GOD BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND MAY YOU SEE THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD IN YOUR LIFE THIS YEAR. I AWAIT FOR YOUR URGENT REPLY SOON. YOURS SISTER IN CHRIST. MRS ROSEMARY BENSON NOTE PLEASE CONTACT ME HERE (rosem11ciaoweb. it ) Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/04/2007 - 23:58. i got the email. and i hav written to her and she sent me this back: Dear beloved in christ, Greetings With The Name Of Almighty. I am writting this with due respect and heartful of tears since we have not known or met ourselves previously, I recieved and read your kindly mail with Joy and good faith for accepting to assist me accomplish my promise to GOD. For your mail, I have also noted that you are a Gods provider / fearing person as contained in your mail, I pray that GOD Almighty will give you his wisdom to accomplete this transaction in Jesus Name. please i want you to promise me that you will be honest and trustworthy to me during all my transactions with you. I hope that you will be completely honest and use this fund to propergate the word of God. For that reason, it is more better for you to open up and tell me if you can not use this fund according to my instructions. Bear witness that this fund is not from any kind of stealing or money for drug but this is a sweat from my late husband, since i have seeing my health situation i decided to entrust the fund in your hand for the work of God. According to my mail, you can bear with me that my health situation is not good and i can not handle the transaction by my self, that is the reason why i seek the assistance of the sister nurse in this hospital to help me written this mail to you as i know that she is a good God fearing sister who will assist you toward this transaction. With this informations, i have to wait untill i hear from you so that i will give you the contact of the security company where the box is deposited for you to contact them for verification on how they will use to bring the box to your country Finally, you should know that all what i am doing now is by faith to rest my soul for work of God which i want you to promise me that you will handle this fund according to Gods direction. Reply me with your full information. Your full name Phone number House address Country. As soon i received your information i will forward it to the security company and tell them that you are the new beneficiary of family valuable deposited in their service. May the Almighty be with you and guide you in your service to his kingdom Thanks and God bless. Sincerely your Sister in Christ. mrs rosemary benson Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 07/04/2007 - 00:07. i have received several letters from this alkabanifaisa/1 stating he needs a next of kin and when i went to access the bank e-mail i got nothing except a news page now obviosly this must be a scam from that country theres no bank that came up nor the name of the finance director either, i have been deleting all foreign e-mails that come thru including the ones that say i have won their lottery as well these all seem to be a hoax of some sort Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/04/2007 - 01:42. Introduce himself as Dr Anderson Peters and asking for a help to receive and keep in a safe place for a lot of money from Liverpool. Are there anybody knows something about this guy Any reply Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 22:55. ATTENTION: MR. LARRY RANDS, I acknowledge the receipt of your mail and the bank particulars as given. More so, the content of your mail was well noted. We are only a financial institution given authority to take care of your transfer, so whatsoever that is involved will be communicated to you asap. Moreover, the bank do not ask for any fund from you if it is not necessary. Because of the several activities that have taken place till date we were given express instruction to deal directly with the owner of funds. We also send gurantees to clients in case of doubts. Bear in mind that this fund have been dormant for a long time now and as such we must activate your account before transfer. The transfer will be finalised latest by wednesday as programmed. I will be faxing you an official payment approval from our bank to that effect. But as soon as the account is activated you will receive the telex copy of your tranfser details and your bank will also be officially notified. Do call me as soon as possible. Bear in mind that the only thing holding your fund here is the activation of your account. Expecting your urgent response because the earlier you reach us the better for the transfer. Mr. John Ofori-Attah. Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 03/04/2007 - 13:17. FROM: MR MICHAEL DUBE. JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA. TEL:27-83-4272110 PROPOSAL FOR BUSINESS OF MUTUAL BENEFIT It is my privilege to capture your names from the internet. My name is Mr Michael Dube a legal practitioner and the personal Attorney to late Mr. James Watson, a foreign nationality of your country who died along with his wife and his two sons in a ghastly motor accident along Beyers Nuede/N1 express in August 13, 2004.All the occupants in the vehicle lost their lives. I am convinced that it was the grace of God that made me to locate you. My client was a successful and an accomplished family man, who made enough fortune before his untimely death. Since then I had made several inquiries through Embassy to locate any of my clients extended relative but this exercise has proved unsuccessful. After several unsuccessful attempts, I Decided to trace his relatives through the Internet, to locate any member of his family not much progress was recorded. My late client was an influential wealthy businessman, Gold magnet (merchant) here in South Africa and he left behind a deposit of Fifteen Million, Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (15,200,000.00USD) in his domiciliary bank account in a commercial bank here in South Africa. His bankers has contacted me as his Attorney to provide his next of kin who should inherit his fortune. The board of directors of his bank adopted a resolution and I was mandated to provide his next of kin for the payment of this money within 28 working days or forfeit the money to the bank as an abandoned property. The bankers had planned to invoke the abandoned property law of 1996 to confiscate the funds after the expiration of the period given to me. Despairing at the point of exhaustiveness, fortunately, I came across your name, to my utmost amazement. you are nationals of the same country. I therefore, decided to contact you with these facts before me because of the situation now. By virtue of my closeness to the deceased and his immediate family, I am very much aware of my client financial standing and the bank account he operates. I have reasoned very professionally and I feel it will be legally proper to present you as the next of kin of my deceased client, so that you can be paid the funds left in his bank account, hence I contacted you. I seek your consent to present you as the Next of Kin to the Deceased since you are at an advantage as a foreigner too, so that the proceeds of this Bank Account valued at 15.2 Million Dollars can be paid to you. We shall both share the funds. 55 to me and 40 to you, while 5 should be for Expenses or Tax as your Government may require, I shall assemble all the necessary Legal Documents that will be used to back up our claim. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. Please get in touch with me by email (mikdubeyahoo ) or on above telephone to enable us discuss further. Best Regards Michael Dube(Esq.) Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 01/04/2007 - 21:32. Was sent by mail 2 pages:- 1st page form headed as above saying I won the lotto Euros 515,810. 2nd page form headed Tower Global Security Company S. A.They want all my bank particulars. Surely some international organisation can sort these kaffirs out. Could go along with it until they are caught. Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 31/03/2007 - 05:35. THERE ARE INHEIRTANCE SCAMS NOW COMING OUT OF BURKINA FASO WEST AFRICA AND THE BANK OF AFRICA THERE. WANTING MONEY TO TRANSFER MILLIONS TO YOU TO HALLMARK BANK IN LONDON. BEWARE IT IS ALL FRAUD Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 29/03/2007 - 14:58. God bless you for your zeal and seriousness to help me out in this charitable course and God will surely bless you and i want you to know that i am a very devoted christian and do only the things directed by God. I contacted you purely on the instruction of the holy Ghost and i want you to know that so far i prayed about this divine direction to you then God has appointed you for this project to bless you and your family, all i need is absolute trust and honesty when this funds get to you that it will be used to accomplish the purpose for which it was made. When my late husband was alive we were so much in love and fond of ourselves that we combined our first names john and alice to become jolice which we always used to call our selves and i will want you to set up and charity home or foundation with this name when the fund has been released to you. Dear you are now my only source of strength and hope and you alone can make me happy if only jolice dreams come to pass then i shall wait upon the lord with joy in my heart. Please do not disapoint me because you what it takes to entrust so much money on you. I have already issued a letter of authority to the finance firm regarding my appointing you as my beneficiary and you are now the sole and bonafide beneficiary to this fund totalling 8.5m usd and you have to keep 10 for your services for you and your family. As i told you in my last email my health is not too good now which means sometimes it will be difficult for me to be on the internet and send messages to you but do send me messages and my prayer and blessings is with you my brother. Also as soon as the funds get to you let me know so that i can still advise you on things to do. The contact of the finance firm is below and you have to contact them immediately as i have already issued the authority to them and they will be expecting to hear from you so that they can arrange on how the funds will be transferred to you. You have to provide them with every assistance they need so that the funds can be released to you without delay. CAPITAL TRUST FINANCE AND SECURITIES B. V EURO BANKING PLAZA 4th FLOOR, SUITE 41-47 FLEVOSTRAAT 78,1013 WN AMSTERDAM CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS TEL-31-626-393-718 FAX-31-847-599-368 EMAIL:accountsctfsbv. info infoctfsbv. info FINANCE DIRECTOR-MR VAN DYKE God bless you my and i wait to hear from you. Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 29/03/2007 - 02:11. Beware of this one. I received a letter, (first class postage, not bulk mail)postmarked from the UK, telling me that I had won 2.5 million in an Austrailian Lottery. I replied by email and they sent a claim form, requesting valid ID. Im sure the next step would have been a request for money to tranfer the winnings, but they will never get any ID from me so there wont be a next step. They claimed to be a member of British Finance Association I googled it and there is no such organization. Then I googled the Pacific Finance amp Securites UK name and up popped multiple sites on lottery fraud. Thanks goodness for Google Does anyone know where to report these folks Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 28/03/2007 - 07:41. Greetings and God bless you. This is to inform you that Sister Angela has procured the affidavit of oath today from the federal ministry of justice and this fund is under your control towards humanitarian and charity services including the propagation of the gospel. The affidavit declaration is in your name and I trust you to channel this fund accordingly. I have attached a copy of the affidavit as completed today in the court. Please confirm the receipt immediately and I beg you to keep this document carefully and confidential. You are now officially and legally known as the next of kin to this fund and a copy of the affidavit of oath has also forwarded to fidelity trust bank according to the officer of oath. You are advised to contact the bank director immediately and instruct them to transfer this fund to your account which you will forward to them. Here is the contact address: FIDELITY TRUST BANK, ABIDJAN. COTE DIVOIRE ATT: You have to contact this office as soon as possible and always give me informations and remember me in your daily prayers. Thanks and May GOD bless us all. Mrs Maria Note: In case of any question, remember this money was deposited by my Late husband Mr Remond Carmen, from Kuwait . Date of deposit: 24/02/2000 Account N 020205-2568866812D Type of Account: General Trust Account. Amount: US 2.600,000 Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 28/03/2007 - 03:14. Man, why do people have play with our emotions. I could have really used 347,000. I was thinking about how I could quit my boring and life wasting job and spend more time with my family, start investing. Oh well I guess Ill just have to deal with the 30K in debt Im in. But damn, that sure would have been nice. I guess God has bigger things in store me (I hope). Heres the one I got and at work too. I mean how dumb is that I havent even been working here since September. We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer balloting sweepstake held on 12th September 2006. This is a millennium scientific computer game in which email addresses were used. It is a promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users. therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it. You have been approved for the star prize of US347,000.00 (Three Hundred amp Fourty-Seven Thousand United States Dollars Only). To claim your winning prize you are to contact the appointed agent as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings: You must contact the appointed agent with your Full Names, Contact Telephone Numbers (Home, Office and Mobile Number and also Fax Number Including Your Full Address.) via email to process the immediate payment of your prize. The Validity period of the winnings is for 21 working days hence you are expected to make your claims immediately, any claim not made before this date will be returned to the MINISTERIO DE E CONOMIA Y HACIENDA. Once again congratulations. Mrs. Rosemary Coker. (Group - Coordinator) LOTTERY SPONSORS: CHIEF SPONSORS: AFRIK-GLOBAL. MICROSOFT CORPORATION UK, MICROSOFT CORPORATION AFRICA, MICROSOFT CORPORATION USA, MICROSOFT CORPORATION ASIA. Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 27/03/2007 - 01:44. Thanks for your site. I have received several emails from Regio Bank BV Tel: 31 620 925 917 Fax: 31 847 144 333 Fax: 31 847 478 042 Regio Bank BV, Leaghwaterplein 27,2541cv Den Hague, The Netherlands. Date:26-03-2007 Dear David , Your email has been awarded a lump sum pay-out from the free (Computer Email Ballot) international Lottery Program by the Postcodeloterij. nl. We the entire staff of Regio Bank Bv wish to congratulate you as a result of our verification exercise for being one of the lucky winners in this seasons lottery promotion. This is an independent promotion and is unconnected to any publication. No purchase of ticket necessary. You are picked as one of the winners because you have been using internet services for some time. So we can say with confidence that your email was selected as lucky one among others. Be informed that this lottery promotion was conducted through the Internet worldwide random selection, the participants and winners were picked randomly through a computer ballot system. For payment of your winning prize of the B draw 1st category winning prize of Euro 1,000,000.00 (One Million Euros) to be transfered to your nominated account by Regio Bank BV. Our bank will contact your bank officially about it during the cause of transfer. Outlined herein are the terms and conditions for claiming your prize: 1. You must be over the age of 18. 2. The account opening forms must be properly filled out. Any wrong information provided will result to automatic disqualification. 3. Winners are to work with their account officer here in The Netherlands to have their forms notarized in order to obtain the Certificate of Award from the Netherlands Gaming Control Board. 4. As the winner, you are responsible for the minimum initial deposit ( MID ) of your account to be activated with Regio Bank. This initial minimum deposit ( MID ) is non deductible. 5. Any leakage of your winning information resulting to a double claims, will disqualify your winnings. 6. Note also that, you are not obliged in any way to claim this prize award and you have every right to reject it, this does not affect your statutory rights. 7. Employees, relatives of Postcodeloterij-nl and Regio Bank are excluded from participating in this program. 8. To be eligible for claims, you must complete the claims process before the deadline, stated in the winning notification you received. 9. Filling the claim form means acceptance of the full terms and conditions enumerated above. If you agree to the terms and conditions, send back the account opening form by email attachment and that you agree to the terms and conditions to proceed in claiming your prize. You are to fill the Account opening Form and send back by FAX or as attached file for the Account Activation. Attached with this mail is the Account Activation Form which must be completed and sent back to this office for the process of Activation of your Account with Regio Bank BV. You are to send a scanned copy of your ID, passport or drivers license for proof of identity for us to proceed with the transfer of your winning prize to you. The Form allows you choose the kind of account you will like to own with Regio Bank. Remember to quote your winning numbers in all correspondence with us. Note: The claiming process must be completed before the claims expiration date as stipulated in the award notification email. Thanks in advance for banking with us. Yours Faithfully, Sophia Bakker(Mrs) For:Mr. David Meyer Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 23/06/2007 - 10:43. Hi guys, I have been recieving these emails over the past few days also but the phone details are different which the email was as follows: Remittance Department Tel: 31 644 965 098 Fax: 31 847 478 042 Regio Bank, Leaghwaterplein 27,2541cv Den Hague, The Netherlands. Date:21-06-2007 Dear Your email has been awarded a lump sum pay-out from the free (Computer Email Ballot) international Lottery Program by the Postcodeloterij. nl. We the entire staff of Regio Bank wish to congratulate you for being one of the lucky winners in this seasons lottery promotion. This is an independent promotion and is unconnected to any publication. No purchase of ticket necessary. You are picked as one of the winners because you have been using internet services for some time. So we can say with confidence that your email was selected as lucky one among others. Be informed that this lottery promotion was conducted through the Internet worldwide random selection, the participants and winners were picked randomly through a computer ballot system. For payment of your winning prize of the B draw 1st category winning prize of Euro 1,000,000.00 (One Million Euros) to be transfered to your nominated account by Regio Bank. Our bank will contact your bank officially about it during the cause of transfer. Outlined herein are the terms and conditions for claiming your prize: 1. You must be over the age of 18. 2. The account opening forms must be properly filled out. Any wrong information provided will result to automatic disqualification. 3. Winners are to work with their account officer here in The Netherlands to have their forms notarized in order to obtain the Certificate of Award from the Netherlands Gaming Control Board. 4. As the winner, you are responsible for the minimum initial deposit ( MID ) of your account to be activated with Regio Bank. This initial minimum deposit ( MID ) is non deductible. 5. Any leakage of your winning information resulting to a double claims, will disqualify your winnings. 6. Note also that, you are not obliged in any way to claim this prize award and you have every right to reject it, this does not affect your statutory rights. 7. Employees, relatives of Postcodeloterij-nl and Regio Bank are excluded from participating in this program. 8. To be eligible for claims, you must complete the claims process before the deadline, stated in the winning notification you received. 9. Filling the claim form means acceptance of the full terms and conditions enumerated above. If you agree to the terms and conditions, send back the account opening form by email attachment and that you agree to the terms and conditions to proceed in claiming your prize. You are to fill the Account opening Form and send back by FAX or as attached file for the Account Activation. Attached with this mail is the Account Activation Form which must be completed and sent back to this office for the process of Activation of your Account with Regio Bank. You are to send a scanned copy of your ID, passport or drivers license for proof of identity for us to proceed with the transfer of your winning prize to you. The Form allows you choose the kind of account you will like to own with Regio Bank. Remember to quote your winning numbers in all correspondence with us. Note: The claiming process must be completed before the claims expiration date as stipulated in the award notification email. Thanks in advance for banking with us. Yours Faithfully, Sophia Bakker(Mrs) For:Mr. David Meyer. I am glad i searched the net more about this as they ask for a 520 euros for a MID (minimum initial deposit) which i did seem to find as very sus as it does cost that much to open an account here in Australia. thanks to you and hope this helps others out there Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 12/04/2007 - 06:19. Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 20/03/2007 - 08:11. I received this letter for a so-called Mrs. (Sisiter) Hamilah Fahad Al Din. I almost believed but was saved by this webpage. so thanks a lot. Dear XXXXX I hope all is well with you and other members of your family to the Glory of God. This is to inform you that I have procured the affidavit on oath today from the Ministry of justice. I want to inform you that this fund will be under XXXX control towards humanitarian and charity services including the propagation of the gospel. I am very happy for your re-assuring and encouraging letters. I also appreciate your prayers upon me. The affidavit declaration is in your name and I am trusting you to channel this fund accordingly. I have attached the copy of the affidavit as completed today in the court, and the certificate of deposit of this fund. Please confirm the receipt immediately, and I beg you to keep this documents very very confidential. You have now been officially and legally known as the next of kin to this fund. A copy will also be forwarded to the Inter Continental Bank according to the officer of oath. You have to call the bank director on phone immediately and instruct them for the transfer of this money to your account. You will also give them your bank account where you want the money to be transfered. Here is the contact address of the bank. ATTN: DR. JACOBS ZIMLI DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS amp IT INTER CONTINENTAL BANK COTE DIVOIRE, DANMOLE PLAZA N055 KAIRABA AVENUE FAJARA 15 BP 71285 ABJ.15,ABIDJAN - COTE D IVOIRE. Tel: 22 -5068 -67071 Fax: 22 -5084- 84407 Email:icbnkicbnk. org You have to call the bank as soon as possible, always give me informations and always remember me in your daily prayers. Thanks and May GOD bless us all. Note:In case of any question, remember this money was deposited by my Late husband Dr. Fahad al Din, from Republic of Saudi Arabia. Date of deposit: 12/09/2001 Account N0 ICB-CI-1523481CB Type of Account: General Trust Account. Amount: US 2.5,000,000 Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 31/03/2007 - 09:28. From: Mrs. Halimah Fahad Al Din Address:N38 Rues Des Martyrs Cocody Abidjan, Cote DIvoire West Africa Dearest in Christ, GREETING IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD. I hope you will not be embarrassed receiving this mail as we have not had previous correspondences on this. I got your email address through the assistance of Microsoft email directory system. I hope you will not impede the trust and confidence I repose in you. In brief introduction. I am Mrs. Halimah Fahad al Din, from Saudi Arabia. I am married to late Dr. Fahad Al Din, who worked with Saudi Arabia Embassy in Ivory Coast for Twenty years before he died in the year 2003, after a brief illness that lasted for only 10 days. We were married for Eighteen years without a child. Before the untimely death of my husband, we were both born again Christians. Since after his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against and also I am too old now. When my late husband was alive he kept the sum of (US2.5,000,000 M)(Two Million five hundred thousand Dollar) in a General Trust Account with a prime bank in Abidjan Cote d Ivoire in west Africa, and this money is still in the bank. Recently, following my ill health, Doctors have told me of my detoriating ill health due to my cancer problem. Having known my condition, I decided to donate this fund to a Christians organization (Church) or believer in Christ who will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein, according to the desire of my late husband before his death. I want this fund to be used in Christian Activities like, Orphanages, Christian schools, and Churches for propagating the word of God and to endeavour that the house of God is maintained. The Bible made us to understand that Blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because I dont have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are still Moslems and I dont want my husbands efforts to be used by unbelievers. I dont want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace. I dont need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my husbands relatives around me always. I dont want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply, I shall give you the contact of the bank in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. I will also give you the document that will prove that you the present beneficiary of this fund. I want you and the Church to always pray for me because the lord is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life. Contact me on this e-mail address :( hfadmyway ) any delay in your reply might be a reason for me to contact another believer or Church for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. Remain blessed in the Lord. Yours in Christ Mrs. Halimah Fahad Al Din Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 19/03/2007 - 16:57. My warm greetings to you in the name of our lord jesus christ. i am very glad to receive your emphasise mail this morning concerning your zealous interest over the work of God and for this fund which i am entrusting into your hand for the propagation of the word of God. Really to meet you as a servant of God was my often prayers for God to provide me someone who will not betray or disappoint me in this vow which i made to him. The bible made us to know that all things works together for good to them that beleives in Christ Jesus, as he works mysteriously and his ways and ours as human beings are not the same. My motivation of making this decission to donate this fund for the propagation of the word of God is because of the predicament which i found myself into and the hummiliations after my marriage without any issue which i decided to take all i have in this devilish world to honour God as i know that every soul shall give an account of his life at the last day in the pressence of God, as i know that after death judgment follows. Base on your mail, i am well convinced that you were sent by God to fulfill this promise to his glory, so what I want you to do is to try your best to make sure that you assisted me as my health condition could not permit me to do anything by myself, regards to that i beg you to move out in faith to assist me so that you will use the fund to do the work of God as I concluded with my spirit. Brother before my contact to you, i pray to God to direct me on some one who I will entrust this money in his hand that will make sure that the desire of i and my late husband will be carry out, even if the person is a pastor or not. I choose three email and fasted and pray over it, my mind choose to contact you through your email. is true we have not met before, but i want you to understand that we are serving a miraculous God. Remember what is in bible conjection in the book of mathew chapt 18 vs 6,that shall be our physical convenant that will bind both of us in this transaction. Importantly, considering my detoriating and ailing health in which I am faced with life uncertainty, I want you to send me your direct contact informations to enable me swear to an affidavit on oath in your name that will officially and legally approved you as the next of kin to this fund from the Federal Ministry of Justice to declare whole heartedly that i have made you the beneficiary to my inheritance in the Inter Continental Bank here-in Ivory Coast, so that even if i am no more you shall continue from there and request the Bank to make the transfer to you without any confrontation from any body. The informations are as follows 1.Your full name 2.Home and country address 3.Church Address 4.Your telephone and fax number. Immediately i received these informations the certificate of deposit issued to my late husband on the first day of deposit shall be forwarded to you for you to contact the Bank and you request them to make the transfer to you in your account as the new beneficiary. Please, remember to put me in your daily prayers for Gods healing. Thanks and GOD bless us all in his infinite goodness and mercy. Remain blessed, sister Halimah Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 18/03/2007 - 20:16. How are you today I hope all is well with you. I do understand the concern this letter will bring to you for the fact that it comes from some one strange to you. But be rest assured that it comes with good intentions. How ever, as I was going on research, looking for responsible and trustworthy someone who can help and assist me in this business of transferring some fund out from Ivory Coast into his personal or company account overseas. I am Mr. Philip Z. Balai the only son of late Mr. Andrew Balai from Zimbabwe. My father was among the rich black farmers murdered in cold blood in Zimbabwe by war veterans of President ROBERT MUGABE. However, the numbers of farmers killed in Zimbabwe over the new land act introduced by president do not give any concern. My main aim of contacting you is to assist me in transferring the sum of 20,500,000.00 (Twenty Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) into your nominated overseas account this money was given to my father by President Mugabe when they were still in good terms for investment purposes. My father deposited this money in a security company in Abidjan here in Ivory Coast as if he foresaw the looming blow of his death. My late father deposited the said funds as family treasure in order to avoid seizure because Ivory Coast have almost the same land laws with Zimbabwe presently. I am residing in Ivory Coast with my mother as asylum seekers, based on our present status we are deprived of some financial rights of banking activities. Moreover, this money is the only thing my late father left for us as such the entire life of my family depends on this money coupled with the responsibilities rested on me, I will be willing to go into partnership on any lucrative business you will suggest in your country. Out of my own good wile, I have decided to give you 30 of the total money, 70 will be for me and my family, which will also be invested in your country for the future Investment of my family. I will like you to contact me, via the above telephone number or email address. please do keep this proposal confidential. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Mr. Philip Z. Balai --------------------------- and I offer him a real work :) nemox wrote: interesting email :). I received last year this type email. from india. I think from same name. are you sure you send this mail from ivory coast. If you serious. and this is not a cone I propose you a seriously something : I am an investor. and I have a great project about producing organic black and green tea. I finished all calculations and designing but I need money for making this great machine. If I able to finish prototype. I can sell this machine over 50000 piece. each machines profit about 1000 what do you say. I dont want your fathers money. I only want your support for finishing prototype and enough for mass production . if you want participate this very profitable investment I can give you bank account number. I need 100,000 for finishing prototype in 5 months. I wait your answer. please think carefully Thanks for your prompt response to my proposal. With regards to your we can invest the funds on producing organic black but you must assist us to retrieve the funds out of this region. Be rest assured that this transaction is risk free and legal. All you need to do is to comply with every instruction our lawyer will give you during processing of this transaction. Note the money in question is in Cash. As I told you the total amount were packed inside a safety trunk box before my father deposited with Security Company in Abidjan. My father did not disclose the content of the consignment during depositing but he only declared the deposit as Personal Effect. For fear of betrayal we should not for any reason disclose the content of trunk boxes to the security company until we finalise this transaction. There is one and only person that knows about this, He is our attorney, we personally contacted him for this and He is the one that we gave all the documents concerning the deposit. He is the one that will give you all the evidence of deposit(Certificate of Deposit and Deposit Agreement) and detail procedures we will follow to achieve success in this transaction. Below is the contact information of the attorney: I have forwarded your letter to him and he is happy concerning your interest to assist us to claim and invest our funds. He will be contacting you in this regards as soon as he comes back from law court. Immediately you receive this email send your full name, full address, and fax and telephone numbers to the above attorney to enable him start getting all the necessary documents that will make you beneficiary of the deposit before you will contact the security company for release. Thanks and God bless you. dont trust this type people :D NAMIK YER from Rize / TURKEY Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 15/03/2007 - 18:59. From: John Davis Add to Address Book Subject: My effort contacting you. Reply Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 20:16:06 -0500 Greetings, As you read this, I dont want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believe everyone will die someday. My name is John Davis a merchant in Toronto, Canada. I have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer. It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live according to medical experts. I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believe if given a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it. Due to this illness, I have willed and given most of my properties and assets to my immediate and extended family members as well as a few close friends. I have decided to give also to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some charity organizations in the U. A.E, Algeria and Malaysia. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore. I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity organization in Bulgaria and Pakistan, they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them. The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of eighteen million dollars 18,000,000,00 that I have with a finance/Security Company abroad. I will want you to help me collect this deposit and dispatch it to charity organizations. I have set aside 20 from the total amount 18,000,000,00 for you and for your time . Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office Live clk. atdmt/MRT/go/mcrssaub0050001411mrt/direct/01/ From: lugafib cliam2 Add to Address Book To: lugafibcliam2hotmail Subject: URGENTLY NEEDED Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:41:58 0200 FROM:MR DOUGLAS OWNE EMAIL: douglasowneyahoo TRANSFER OF EIGHTEEN MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS I write to introduce this urgent/important business opportunity to you irrespective of the fact that we have not seen or known each other before believing that it will be of immense benefit to both of us. Let me formally introduce myself. I am MR DOUGLAS OWNE the Chief Auditor of the First National Bank Of South Africa (FNB), I got your contact through the South African Chamber of Commerce in my earnest search for a reliable individual who can assist me to make this transaction a reality but I did not disclose the nature of the business to them. With my believe in God that you will never let me down. There is an outstanding sum of US18,000.000.00 (Eighteen Million United States Dollars) belonging to Mr. Kurt Kahle, our customer who died in the crash in the year 2000 with his famlly. news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479.stm This fund was deposited since 1980 and since 2000 till today nobody has operated on this account. After going through some old files in the record, I discovered that the owner of this dormant account Mr. Kurt Kahle does not exist anymore and that if I do not remit this fund out urgently, it would be forfeited for nothing. I am contacting you because of the need to involve a foreigner with account and foreign beneficiary I need your full co-operation to make this work out fine because the management is ready to approve this payment to a foreigner, who has the correct information of this account, which I will provide to you. Should this interest you, kindly furnish me with your overseas account details including your private phone and fax numbers for easy communication. Meanwhile, I am prepared to transfer this sum of US18 Million. With my position in this bank. I can transfer this money to any foreigners reliable account, which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending my physical arrival in your country for sharing. I will destroy all documents of transaction immediately we receive this money leaving no trace to any place. And will also use my position and influence to effect legal approvals and onward transfer of the money to your account with appropriate clearance from the Ministry and Foreign Exchange Departments. I have resolved to compensate you by briefing a brokerage commission of 25(US4,500,000.00) net per-transfer expenses you may incur, 5 (US900.000.00) set aside for general expenses, and 70 (US12,600,000.00) will be for me and I guarantee you that all expenses during the transfer are subject to refund. Most importantly, I must emphasize that this business requires the utmost confidentiality and trustworthiness. We need to make an agreement that will bind us together and the same will protect individual interest in the near future. I will apply for an annual leave to get visa for a trip to your country once I confirm your readiness for this operation. In recognition to your personal executive power and investment opportunities that is bond in your country do know that I have it in mind to establish a genuine business relationship with you in the nearest future, if you will be able to help me. in order to expedite action, let me receive your approval or reply through the above Email address. Please accept my compliments, as I await for your kind response through the above numbers or EMAIL: douglasowneyahoo MR DOUGLAS OWNE, Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:16:16 0100 (MET) From: macksmith3terra. es Add to Address Book Subject: ATTENTION Barrister Mack Smith Smiths Chambers E-mail: macksmith2hotmail Top of the day. I am writing you this message as regard of my late client Mr. James A. Patil, who worked with the Ghana National Oil And Gas Company (GNOGC) and he left the sum of US18.5million with a Securities Finance Firm. I got your contact address while i was looking for a reputable person to deal with, I found your contact information so i decided to contact you immediately. As a lawyer and a personal attorney to the deceased, I am now asked to provide the Next-Of-Kin of my late client by the Firm where his money and documents of his properties are kept. As a result of this I am now contacting you to join me in claiming this fund belonging to my late client, so that we can come out successfully at the end. However, as the personal attorney and close confidant of my late client, I know that he did not leave any WILL (because of his sudden death) which means that this money will therefore be paid into the account of whomever I present as the Next-of-kin with proofs. Therefore I am seeking for your consent and assistance to present you as the true beneficiary and next of kin to my late client. Your nationality and area of specialization does not matter, as all modalities have been concluded to present you as the next of kin and consequently, the beneficiary of the fund. This transaction is 100 risk free and is expected take about 14 working days to conclude as soon as you indicate your interest. As you know INHERITANCE is not a crime all over the world, but may be a crime only when you do not follow the Rules of the International Law of Inheritance. In this transaction, we shall follow strictly all the rules of the International Law of Inheritance and obtain all the necessary transaction documents from the appropriate authorities to prove that the inheritance/fund is genuine. All that is required of you is to act as a relative/next of kin and also provide a safe bank account for the payment of the money to you. As soon as payment is effected and the amount mentioned above is successfully transferred into your account, I will meet with you in your country for the sharing of the funds, and i have decided that 45 will be retained by you as your share, while 45 will be for me as the initiator of the deal and 10 for all expenses incured on both sides. If you are ready to give me your full cooperation and receive this money into your custody, then confirm your interest by contacting me immediately throguh my personal email address: (macksmith2hotmail ) and I will furnish you with an adequate detail of how we shall achieve success in this project. I await your soonest reply, Barrister Mack Smith. ESQ Ahora tambin puedes acceder a tu correo Terra desde el mvil. Infrmate pinchando aqu. 04 EMAIL From: MR PETER WOOD Add to Address Book Subject: GOOD DAY MY GOOD FRIEND PATIL Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 23:38:20 -0500 From Peter Wood Crockford Lane Basingstoke, Hants RG24 8WB. London UK. TEL: 00 44 704 010 9657. eMail: mr. peter1yahoo. co. uk GOOD FRIEND XXXXXX My name is peter wood from London United Kingdom. I am the Personal account officer to late Engr. VIJAYPATIL. Who is a citizen of (INDIA) and he used to work with a manufacturing company here in london. On the 21st of April 2003, My client, his wife and their only son involved in a fatal motor accident along Oaklands Roads, Hanwell-London and unfortunately, They all lost their lives in the event of the accident, Since then I have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives and this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his relatives over the Internet to locate any member of his family but of no avail, hence I contacted you. I contacted you to assist me in repatriating the money and property left behind by my late client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the (Chase Manhattan Bank of London) where these huge deposits were lodged. Particularly a Chase Manhattan Bank of London where the deceased deposited the sum of 8.5 Million U. S Dollars. Conseqently, the Bank have issued me a notice to provide the next of kin to the deceased or they will have the funds confiscated within a short period of time. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over some years now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased so that this 8.5 Million U. S Dollars can be released to you as the next of kin to my late client. For both of us to share the money, I propose 60 to my self and 30 to you for your expected assistance, while 10 should be set aside for settling all expenses or tax as the government of your country may require All the necessary documents that can be used to back up the claim of this fund will be processed in your name as soon as we agreed together. All I require from you now is your honest co-operation to enable us see this deal through. I guaranteed that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law here in London or over there in your country. Please kindly get in touch with me through my private email address above to enable us discuss in details about this transaction. Remember to send me all this information as follows immediately: Your full names. Your full contact address. Your private telephone. YOUR Mobile Numbers. Your Age. Your Occupation. Thanks until i hear from you again. Call me any time at: 44 7040109657. Best Regards, peter wood, Writing From London. From: Attah Ibrahim Add to Address Book Subject: Re: Write/Call Me. Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 18:03:58 0300 From Mr Attah Ibrahim TEL: 233 242182422 Greetings to you, Before I introduce myself, I wish to inform you that this letter is not a hoax mail and I urge you to treat it serious. This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. My name is Mr Attah Ibrahim, the present branch Manager of a bank here in Ghana. I write you this proposal in good faith, believing that I can trust you with the information I am about to reveal to you. Like I said, I have a transaction that will benefit both of us, as your assistance is required as a foreigner. I use to head the Accounts department in my bank head office, but last December I was asked to take position of a Manager of our branch in Kumasi who passed on, so that was how I became the present Manager and discovered a fortune. As I resumed duty, I discovered an account with total sum of 12,500,000(Twelve Miliion Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)that has not been operated on for the past 4 years. From my investigation, I found out that this account belongs to one Late Mr. ANDREAS SCHRANNER a German great industrialist and a resident of Munich, who unfortunately lost his life along with his entire famillies in the plane crash of CONCORDE AIRLINE Flight AF4590 which crashed on 25TH JULY, 2000. You shall read more news about the crash on visiting this site, which I got during my investigation news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479.stm . The account is escrow call account, a secret type of account in my bank and no other person knows about this account or any thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary. I have kept a close monitoring of the account since then and nobody has come forward to ask about the money as next of kin to the late Mr. Andreas Schranner, meaning that no one is aware of the account. I cannot directly take out this money without the help of a foreigner and that is why I am contacting you for an assistance to claim the funds and share it with me. As the Manager of my bank branch, I have the power to influence the release of the funds to any foreigner that comes up as the next of kin to the account, with the correct information concerning the account, which I shall give you. I am seeking your co-operation to present you as the next of kin to the account, so that my bank head quarters will release the funds to you. There is practically no risk involved, the transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. If you accept to work with me, I want you to state how you wish us to share the funds in percentage, so that both parties will be satisfied. Contact me as soon as you receive this message if you feel we can work together, so we can go over the details. Thanking you in advance and may God bless you. Please, treat with utmost confidentiality. I wait your urgent response. My phone number is 233 242182422. Best Regards, Attah Ibrahim From: SA LOTTERY PROMOTION Add to Address Book Subject: WINNING NOTIFICATION Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 08:44:15 0200 FROM THE DESK OF THE PROMOTIONS MANAGER, MRS REBECCA ZUMA EUROPEAN/UK/S. A.UNION INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS BID SOUTH AFRICA 2010 WORLD CUP LOTTERY AWARD DEPARTMENT. UNITED KINGDOM/SOUTH AFRICA (Customer Services) We happily announce to you the draw of South African 2010 World Cup Bid Lottery Award International programs held in U. K your email address was attached to ticket numberB9665 75604546 199 serial number 97560 This batch draws the lucky numbers as follows 60/84/27/17/36, bonus number 2, which consequently won the lottery in the second category. Your name have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of US2,000.000.00(Two million United States Dollars) in cash credited to file KPC/9030108308/03.This is from a total cash prize of US 400,000,000.00 (Four Hundred million United States dollars) shared among the first 200 lucky winners in this category world-wide. All participants email address were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from Nine hundred thousand names from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceanic as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually. This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by some multinational companies and some other EU governmental personalitys part of their social responsibility to promote South Africans 2010 world cup award. The citizens in the communities where they have operational base. To process your claims you are hereby advice to contact the Claim Agent immediately with this information: NAME: ADDRESS: NATIONALITY: SEX: AGE: PHONE/MOBILE: FAX: OCCUPATION: COMPANY: BATCH/WINNING NUMNBER: The lottery program took place to promote South Africans 2010 world cup award. Please you are advised to file for your claim immediately through our Agent in South Africa Mr. FRANCIS MOMOH. For the claim of your prize. Call him on the phone immediately you received this message because you stand a risk of loosing the prize if you fail to claim within two month from the day you received this notification. His contact details are as follows. For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your prize released to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid dual claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this program by non-participant or unofficial personnel. Congratulations once again on your winnings. Yours faithfully, MRS REBECCA ZUMA Online Co-coordinator EUROPEAN. UK. SOUTH AFRICAN UNION INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS. Get the ultimate real-time chat experience - Windows Live Messenger messenger. live 07 EMAIL Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:55:27 -0800 (PST) From: BOC LONDON UK Add to Address Book Subject: Re: FINAL DEPARTURE NOTICE (DIPLOMAT) CUSTOMER SERVICE/ADMIN DEPT. 13TH DECEMBER,2006 BANK OF CHINA LONDON 90 CANNON STREET LONDON EC4N6HA UK. TEL: 44 703 194 8974 FAX: 44 871 211 1981 ATTN: XXXXXX INDIA. Re: FINAL DEPARTURE NOTICE (DIPLOMAT) This is to inform you that the diplomat who would be coming to India to deliver your consignment (funds) would be leaving United Kingdom on Thursday the 14th of December, 2006 to arrive India on Friday the 15th of December, 2006. You are by this email reminded of your whole obligation and required to observe all due protocol and make all clearing and non inspection fess available as earlier stated for the safe delivery and receipt of your consignment (funds) According to our inquiries to the INDIAN Airport Authorities, the cost for clearing and non inspection would be required to be paid in Indian local currency (Rupees)and the amount is 1900usd which is equivalent to 85,500 INR. Finally, be advised that the diplomat would not stay longer than scheduled as any extra day stayed in India would be charged for. Once again, we apologize to you for the inconveniences this might cause you. I on behalf of the above bank, congratulate you. Thanks in anticipation it is our concern to serve you better. Yours in service Mr. Daniel De Vries Admin Manager Bank of China London Branch UK. Tel: 44 703 194 8974 The information contained in this document is confidential to the addressee and is not necessarily the view of the Company. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this email or attachments. If you have received this in error, please notify us by return email. The Company does not guarantee the security or reliability of this email or any attachments. 08 EMAIL We would suggest that these e-mails are sent by people who are purporting to represent Bank of China, London Branch. As previously advised, these e-mails have not been originated or been sent by anyone in Bank of China, London Branch and I would recommend that you stop all communication with these people. Subject: RE: PL. DO IT FAST Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:11:25 -0000 From: Edith Robertson Add to Address Book Thank you for your e-mail. This sounds as if it is part of an internet scam that we have been made aware of. The original e-mail did not originated from Falcon Chambers. I have alerted that relevant internet authorities and reported the matter to the Police. I can only apologise that you have been caught up in this but the original e-mail did not emanate from anyone connected with Falcon Chambers. Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 07:34:25 -0800 (PST) From: legal Dept View Contact Details Subject: RE: INHERITANCE NOTIFICATION FROM LEGAL DEPT 4TH DECEMBER,2006 BANK OF CHINA 90 CANNON STREET LONDON EC4N6HA UK. TEL: 44 703 194 8974 FAX: 44 871 211 1981 ATTN: XXXXXX INDIA. RE: CLAIMS OF TRANSFERRING OF 1.7 MILLION TO NEXT OF KIN THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT THE ABOVE OFFICE HAS RECEIVED A LETTER OF CLAIM FROM BARRISTER MARTIN RODGER OF FALCON CHAMBERS UK.,THAT YOU ARE THE NEXT OF KIN AND BENEFICIARY TO INHERITANCE/ESTATE OF OUR LATE CUSTOMER LATE ENGR. LUQMAN PATIL. WE HAVE STARTED PROCESSING AND INVESTIGATING OVER THIS MATTER AS WE HAVE NOTED AN AFFIDAVIT FROM THE BRITISH CROWN COURT AND A LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION / AUTHORIZATION, STATEMENT OF HIS ACCOUNT BECAUSE HIS ACCOUNT WAS A FIX DEPOSIT ACCOUNT, TITLE DEED AND DEATH CERTIFICATE OF THE DECEASED. ONCE WE ARE THROUGH WITH THE INVESTIGATION AND FIND OUT THAT YOU ARE THE GENUINE NEXT OF KIN, WE WILL CONTACT YOU OFFICIALLY AND ANNOUNCE THE APPROVAL OF THE FUND. BE AWARE THAT ONCE YOU HAVE BEEN APPROVED OF THIS FUND, THIS OFFICE WILL INVITE YOU TO THIS OFFICE TO COME AND SIGN THE ORIGINAL FUND RELEASE ORDER DOCUMENT BEFORE THE FINAL TRANSFERRING OF THIS FUND INTO YOUR ACCOUNT. BUT ALTERNATIVELY IF YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO COME DOWN, WE CAN ARRANGE AND PAY YOU CASH THROUGH OUR DIPLOMATIC CASH DELIVERY SCHEME IN INDIA. WE SHALL LIKE YOU TO INDICATE TO THIS BANK IF YOU WOULD LIKE US TO PAY YOU THROUGH OUR DIPLOMATIC HOUSE DELIVERY. (BY THIS MEANS, YOUR FUNDS WILL BE DELIVERED TO YOU TO YOUR HOUSE IN INDIA) ONCE WE ARE THROUGH WE WILL GET BACK TO YOU, WE APOLOGIZE TO YOU FOR THE INCONVENIENCES THIS MIGHT CAUSE YOU. THANKS IN ANTICIPATION. IT IS OUR CONCERN TO SERVE YOU BETTER. YOURS IN SERVICE, Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 17:08:51 0000 (GMT) From: Martin Rodger View Contact Details Yahoo DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo. co. uk. Learn more Subject: I have gotten the Legal paper works and filed an application to the bank. Once again, how are you and your family I hope everything is all right. Well, I have being able to procure the legal paper works and had forwarded the original copies to the bank. Although I was unable to forward it to you since because my scanner was bad, I am forwarding herewith, the canned copy of the sworn affidavit of claim from the British Crown Court and a deposit certificate from Bank Of China London Branch UK for you records. It was not really easy for me to procure the affidavit, it was just by the grace of God that I succeeded in getting it done. I believe that this is an indication that we would have a hitch free transaction. I have submitted the original copies of the affidavit to the Bank, and so far I spent the total sum of 3500 GBP to get these documents. At this stage now, you are the only person the Bank knows as the beneficiary/inheritor to their late Customers inheritance. No other person(s) would have access to claim this money apart from you because of this affidavit that I have sworn in your names. So you equally have to assure me of your fullest cooperation. Mind you, any moment from now the Bank will contact you and the moment they do, do not hesitate to get me informed for us to know the next line of action. Finally, the Bank has commenced somewhat investigation. So any email that is strange to you should be forwarded to me to peruse, then I will direct you on how to reply such emails. This is to avoid any forms of mistake in this transaction, because the Bank is bent on liquidating this fund and you dont have to play into them to achieve their aim. The plan of the bank is to confiscate this fund. So you have to be extremely careful at this stage. Assure me that you will be cooperative and transparent till the end of this transaction, and that you will not deny me access to my entitlement at the end of the transfer (When the money eventually hit your account). Keep fit, while I expect to hear from you. From: Martin Rodger Add to Address Book To: marodgerf33hotmail Subject: RE: I SEEK YOUR CONSENT. Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 07:37:11 0000 Good day XXXXXX, My name is Martin Rodger. I am a solicitor with Falcon Chambers of EC4Y 1AA Falcon Court London, UK and personal attorney to Engr. Lukman Patil ( the President Transfield Worley Company ) Who died with his family in the July, 2000 Air France crash. For your confirmations visit : news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479.stm Although my client left no record of any next of kin but I have made several enquiries to locate any of my clients extended relatives which had proved unsuccessful. As a matter of fact, he had a fixed time deposit of 1,700,000.00 ( one million and seven hundred pounds sterling )with a finance house in United Kingdom and stocks worth 3,257,000.00 (with unclaimed dividends) being managed by his stockbrokers. Consequently, the Finance house has issued me a notice to provide my client next of kin or have the fund liquidated within a short time. Based on my unsuccessful search for his relatives for the past five years now and for the fact that you bear the same last name with my late client, I therefore seek your consent to present you as the next of kin/inheritor to my deceased client, so that the money will be transferred to your account for us to share upon approval. As his personal Attorney I have all the legal documents and all it takes to back-up this claims and to convincingly present you to the bank as the next of kin to my late client without trouble. All I require is your honest cooperation. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement. And no government involvement at all. For more information about me please visit the chambers Websitefalcon-chambers. co. uk/members/member. cfmid165 I look forward to hearing from u. Regards, Martin Rodger, QC. Use your PC to make calls at very low rates voiceoam. pcs. v2s. live/partnerredirect. aspx Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 08:10:37 -0800 (PST) From: transferdepart transferdepart Add to Address Book Yahoo DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo. Learn more Subject: No Deduction (Fnb) We are in receipt of your mail and all the content well understood, Be noted that we cannot deduct any money from your total winning money becuase your total winning money have been insured by the lottery board and we in the bank have no right to deduct the tax clearance charges from your total winning money. We want you to understand that you are not paying the money to me or to the bank either you are paying it to the South African Goverment and immediately we receive the payment slip of the tax clearance charges from you and confirm with the (SARS) we will transfer your winning money to your nominated oversea account within 24hours. Kindly pay the tax we are working under instruction so bear with us. We advice you to adhere to our instruction to enable us proceed immediately. Thanks for your understanding. We are at your service anytime. Yours faithfully, Mr. Michael Dube Foreign Remittance Division First National Bank Tel: 27-73-909-7717 Fax: 27-11-219-7349 From: mark thambo Add to Address Book To: markthambo0009.co. ukhotmail Subject: winning notification Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 12:38:37 0000 SOUTH AFRICAN 2010 WORLD CUP BID LOTTERY AWARD THIS MESSAGE IS FROM THE PROMOTION MANAGER, INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARD DEPARTMENT: SOUTH AFRICAN 2010 WORLD CUP BID INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY AWARD. YOU HAVE WON FROM THE COMPUTER BALLOT, THE SUM OF US 2 Million Us Dollars. We are pleased to inform you of the announcement made for the winners of the SOUTH AFRICAN 2010 world cup bid British international lottery award programs, as part of our promotional draws, Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 2,500,000 email addresses of individuals and companies from all part of the world as part of our electronic business Promotions Program. Note that your email address qualified for the draw, as a result of your visiting various websites we are running the e-mail business promotions for you/Your Company email address, attached to ticket number 100-309-7482, with serial number 513-10 drew the lucky numbers 3, 8, 13, 22, 27, 41 and Bonus number 12 and consequently YOU HAVE WON: in the Second Category. Your winning number Ticket Number is. 343-221-8756 Your Serial Number. 454-17 your lucky draw Numbers are. 3, 8, 13, 22, 27, and 41 Bonus Number 12 your INSURANCE Number: FLS433/453L/GMSA, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of U. S 2,000,000.00 in cash, which is the winning payout for Second category winners. This is from the total prize money of US 26,000,000.00 shared among the thirteen (13) international winners in the Second category. CONGRATULATIONS Please be informed that your CHEQUE of the sum of US 2,000,000.00 is now in the wire system Bank account insured with your email address together with your winning details which won you this prize, therefore you should contact your agent and give them your full names so that they will Remit your winning fund to your Bank Account directly in any country of your choice, Under your full Names. Please note that your paying agent, will invite you to their office in Johannesburg South Africa for your immediate payment, you have to hurry up and contact them immediately. To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent:- MR. chardric zuma SOUTH AFRICA CLAIMS AGENT. FOR YOUR IMMEDIATE PAYMENT DIRECT: 27-38142-200. Email: onlineoffice2010yahoo NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers and other information provided above and below in every one of your correspondences with your claims agent. REFERENCE NUMBER: GML-S343-KKT-8811 BATCH NUMBER: 56T-DTH78-SAR99 South African 2010 world cup bid international lottery award program is a bonus for the whole world for the 2010 soccer world. Congratulations once again from all our staff for being part of our promotions program. Sincerely, THE PROMOTIONS MANAGER, INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY. 2nd Floor SABC Universal Building P. O. Box 91711, Auckland Park, 2006 Henley Road. Johannesburg, South Africa. contact e-mail. markofficezzzyahoo MR. mark thambo. From: mary jonathan Add to Address Book Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2006 20:50:37 0100 Subject: PLEASE WE NEED YOUR ASSIST Dearest One, I know my message will come to you as a surprise. I am Mary Jonathan and My younger brother Joe is 18 years we are from sierra leone but residing in Ivory Coast in Africa. It is my desire to contact you on honesty and sincerity to assist me in transferring the sum ofUS5.600.000 (FIVE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND, UNITED STATES DOLLARS). inherited from my father late Mr Jonathan W. THEOPHILUS to your country for investment. I am motivated in contacting you and hope to gradually build trust, relationship and confidence in you as i get to know you better. So please i want to know if you will be of assistance but first i want to get to know you better. I am willing to offer you 20usd of the total sum for your assistance for your effort input after the successful transfer of this money and investment. Indicate your interest towards assisting me by sending your phone and address so that i can communicate with you at any time. I will bewaiting for your response. Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 15/03/2007 - 15:39. Recently I received an e-mail from Lucy Omimi, a Liberial girl in West Africa. She describet herself saying her father Dr Dion Awa was the managing director of dioncocoa and Associates (Ltd.) and he was the personal advicer to the former head of state (Robert Guei). However, as a result of the civil war and death of her parents she left for Senegal and presently is living in the refugee camp in Dakar. She asked for my help - to transfer her money (5.7 million dollars deposited by her late father) to my position and consequently to send some meney for her to prepare her traveling documents to meet with me. She asked me not to tell anybody about this if I dont want her to loose her life. She wrote she discussed this with CONTINENGAL BANK DU SENEGAL (The name of the transfer officer: Mr. Camara Diop, A/C No 745008901546/QB/91/A, Tele: 221-696-3400)and I should have contacted the bank immediately telling them I am Lucys foreign partner and I want to know the possibilities of assisting Lucy to transfer her dollars. She even sent her photo but did not send photos I wanted - some from the refugee camp. She named me her dearest honey. From her first mail I couldnt comprehend what was the truth because it all appeared so believeable and her situation seemed so tragical. What she needed of me in third e-mail (1) Full name (2) my photo (3) country of residence amp city and my phone number. Be aware of this. gtgtvenca from the czech republic Submitted by Kalman (not verified) on Wed, 16/05/2007 - 02:18. Hello from PolandI got exactly the same email. She wrote about her day Mine is a little bit cold over here in DakarSenegal. ColdIn AfricaAnd i was wondering, how come she has internet access being in refugee campOf course its all scamHer email is. lucy1omimiyahoo

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